The New Caprica Police (NCP) is a force of humans recruited by the Cylons to maintain order on New Caprica. Each wears a black ski mask, blue body armor, a green uniform, and a white armband with a dark letter "C". They are commonly seen as prison guards, rounding up other citizens and even beating up or shooting prisoners down.
In Occupation, a graduating class of two hundred cadets from the New Caprica Police Academy and some VIP guests are caught in a suicide bomb attack at the graduation hall. Casualties included thirty-three cadets and numerous Cylons. The attack is planned and executed by Tucker "Duck" Clellan, a member of the insurgency driven to suicidal depression by the death of his partner, Nora, two months previously.
The recruiting poster seen in Battlestar Galactica: The Resistance depicts a man in black clothing, despite all police seen on duty being dressed as above.