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Talk:Boxing/Archive 1

Discussion page of Boxing/Archive 1
Revision as of 15:54, 25 March 2007 by Catrope (talk | contribs) (Only done when in rebirthing chambers?: reply)
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As far as I know this is just speculation, boxing a Cylon is not necessarily a permanent process, and in fact, recent interviews with cast have included information that boxing can actually be reverted. --Sauron18 19:41, 27 November 2006 (CST)

I agree, but the concept of getting yourself switched off with no definite time to be reverted sounds awfully permanent as well. --Spencerian 19:55, 27 November 2006 (CST)
True, but it's always a possibility, that you can be reactivated, someday.... --Sauron18 21:08, 27 November 2006 (CST)

The same three?[edit]

In the article it is mentioned that the same Three who threatened to box Caprica Six and in particular Sharon "Boomer" Valerii is the same one who now seems to be developing an affinity with humans. I don't think that is the same Three unit. More likely it is D'anna Biers, the Three unit who made the documentary in Final Cut is the one we have been seeing all season. I doubt the Three that Caprica Six brained with the concrete slab in the blown up Caprican parking garage in Downloaded would do such a "180" from her hatred of Humans that is only equaled by the Cavil model to not only tolerating them but taking one as her lover, namely Baltar. No, it makes more sense that it is D'anna Biers that we have been seeing since Occupation/Precipice. This is further bolstered by the fact that she dreamed of being shot by the Galactica's Marines at the "End of Line" corridor on Galactica. I think that was her remembering her death and subsequent resurrection. If everyone was wondering what happened to D'anna Biers, that was it. I can see her having such fondness and toleration of humans giving her uplifting documentary she made of the fleet and her respect and vialed gratitude to Dr. Cottle for treating the Five unit just like he would had a human on New Caprica. Her taking Baltar as her lover, even regarding him as not only a potential Cylon and a member of the Final Five but God Himself is more in line what D'anna Biers would do, not the hateful violent, shoot-humans-on-the-spot perfect mate for Cavil that was the Three in that garage on Caprica. One last justification: In the closing minute of The Eye of Jupiter one of the Cylons, I think Caprica Six, called the Three that took the Heavy Raptor down to the Algae planet with Baltar "D'Anna"; she had never done that before IIRC. Not conclusive I concede, but taken with my other aruments... Hunter2005 16:40, 20 December 2006 (CST)

First Boxing[edit]

Down in act 4 RDM mentions definitively that Number Three's boxing is the first ever. I'm not sure if that's implied by the 11 models remaining bit, but I thought it was interesting. --Steelviper 07:41, 8 February 2007 (CST)

The first complete boxing or first for everything? Its not specified if any previous Cylons have been individually boxed as was threatened to Caprica-Six and Boomer on Caprica by a Three. --Mercifull (Talk/Contribs) 08:03, 8 February 2007 (CST)
Given that the procedure already existed and is used as a threat, I think that they have experience with boxing individual Cylons. But boxing an entire model line is a first. --Serenity 08:16, 8 February 2007 (CST)
Well, yeah. Exactly. From the podcast:
"but then her entire model is eliminated in the first time that any of the Cylons had been eliminated as a model."
That really drove home (to me) that the final five aren't model lines that had already been boxed --Steelviper 08:28, 8 February 2007 (CST)
It's right here. I also always assumed the final five had been boxed, so when I transcribed the podcast, it came as a surprise to me. --Catrope 09:02, 8 February 2007 (CST)

Only done when in rebirthing chambers?[edit]

If boxing can happen at any point (and not just when a Cylon is being reborn), then guess what. The cylons can box Athena right frakking now. If they can, and have not... guess what, Athena must be kept alive or unboxed for further purposes. Oh writers, please clear this up. --Baltarstar 22:16, 24 March 2007 (CDT)

It seems pretty clear to me that boxing can only happen in a resurrection tank. The Threes being boxed in "Rapture" were all in tanks, not just D'Anna. --Catrope(Talk to me or e-mail me) 03:52, 25 March 2007 (CDT)
Eh, where'd you get the idea that boxing could happen outside the chamber? -- Joe Beaudoin So say we all - Donate 08:08, 25 March 2007 (CDT)
Come to think of it, putting all those Threes in a tanks (i.e. killing all of them) can't be easy (unless you re-program your Centurions to kill all Threes on sight, of course :D), so why would they take the trouble if it weren't necessary? I'd say Athena is not in boxing danger, unless she dies and resurrects, in which case she is properly frakked. --Catrope(Talk to me or e-mail me) 10:54, 25 March 2007 (CDT)