The New Caprica Police (NCP) was comprised of humans coerced and/or recruited to maintain order on Cylon occupied New Caprica. Each wears a black ski mask, blue body armor, a green uniform, and a black and yellow sleeve patch with the characters "NCP" surrounded by the words "New Caprica Security Forces". They are commonly seen as prison guards, rounding up other citizens and even beating up or shooting prisoners down.
In Occupation, a graduating class of two hundred cadets from the New Caprica Police Academy and some VIP guests are caught in a suicide bomb attack at the graduation hall. Casualties included thirty-three cadets and numerous Cylons. The attack is planned and executed by Tucker "Duck" Clellan, a member of the insurgency driven to suicidal depression by the death of his partner, Nora, two months previously.
The recruiting poster seen in Battlestar Galactica: The Resistance depicts a man in black clothing, despite all police seen on duty being dressed as above.