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Opera House Prophecy

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The Opera House Prophecy is a vision Sharon Agathon, Laura Roslin and Caprica Six had repeatedly since the events of Crossroads, Part II.

The Vision[edit]

  • In the vision (which comes to them as a dream), Roslin and Sharon are chasing Hera through the Kobol Opera House and their part ends when Hera's taken by Baltar and Caprica Six and goes through a door which closes behind them, closing Sharon and Roslin out. For Caprica Six the vision continues and she goes through the door and continues on through another door then turns around and sees the Final Five in white cloaks on a balcony looking down on them.

Attempts to Act On the Visions[edit]

  • The three of them have this vision repeatedly and the Rebel Hybrid prophecises that "the Dying Leader (Roslin) shall know the truth of the Opera House." Roslin tries to get answers from the Hybrid, but is unsucessful. Fear caused by this vision causes Sharon to kill Natalie, a Number Six copy she was worried was going to take Hera away from her. When Caprica Six gets pregnant, Roslin and Caprica Six realize that they've stopped having the vision, but it returns when Caprica Six miscarries.

Vision Fulfilled[edit]

  • In Daybreak, Part II, Hera runs away from her parents after being rescued from the Colony with help from Boomer and Roslin senses her return and briefly protects her from being found but she runs off again. In a fulfilment of the vision, which sometimes the charchters see during the chase, Roslin and Sharon chase after Hera through Galactica and she gets taken by Caprica Six and Baltar who find her, but don't see Roslin and Sharon so they take her and close the hatch. When they reach what is the Galactica equivalant of the final door entered in the vision, bot realize they need to go through it and find themselves in CIC with the Final Five on the CIC balcony in a similar posistion to that of the vision. Soon after there is an explosion and a copy of Number One manages to grab Hera and hold her at gun point. Gaius tries to talk him down and Saul Tigh offers him Resurrection technology in exchange for Hera's life.

Unanswered Questions[edit]

  • Why doesn't Gaius Baltar experience the visions with the other participants?
  • Why do the visions stop with the conception of Liam Tigh and then restart after his death in utero?
  • When did Laura Roslin discover the "truth of the Opera House"?