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User talk:Joe Beaudoin Jr./Archive

Discussion page of User:Joe Beaudoin Jr./Archive

Hi. I hear you're the guy running this Wiki. I wondered if it would be possible to have the Format broken links preference (misc. settings) default to unset? I keep running into broken links because of silly typo's (Carpica instead of Caprica for example) and with this preference off it becomes a lot easier to spot these. Oh, and thanks for setting all this up btw.

--WouterCoene 09:04, 26 Jan 2005 (EST)

No Problem!

Hi there,

No problem in changing the config. It does help out!

Thanks for contributing, as well as your kind comments regarding the wiki!

Feel free to shoot any suggestions my way any time.

--Joe Beaudoin 06:21, 29 Jan 2005 (EST)


Hello Joe,

You state that everything on your wiki is GNU FDL which means that somebody can copy the pictures as long as they attribute it to your site, Being an old hand in picturediscussions at nl:wikipedia I do not dare to import your pictures, although I would love some for the BG articles I am doing in Dutch. Can you please elaborate on the issue a bit for me (praying to the lords of kobol I can use some) Waerth 14:52, 3 Feb 2005 (EST)

Regarding Licensing (Images, et al)

Actually, having reviewed the GFDL license, I've decided to go towards the Creative Commons License.

I made this decision after taking a look at the Memory Alpha website and the license they used (which is CCL). I also thoroughly read the GFDL, which didn't state anything about images or fair use under American law.

I'll write a more detailed explanation later on. Maybe Saturday... but anyway, here's my official position on the images:

Images are fair use. That means episode caps, images, and soundbites, can be used, as so long as

  • credit is given to the original source;
  • no one makes financial profit from the images use;
  • and are not used heavily (we try to use 2 to 3 images max on any one entry, for example).

In essence, fair use is applied when the image is copyrighted and is for educational use.

--Joe Beaudoin 00:32, 4 Feb 2005 (EST)

Centurion vs. Centurian

Hi, Joe. Have you had a chance yet to check the spelling on the DVDs? (As I own the TOS DVDs, I'll take a look into them to see what the spelling is. From what I remember, it is usually "centurion" as in the centurions from Rome. -- Joe Beaudoin 22:34, 26 Apr 2005) -- User:RexCutter (talk) 19 May 2005

Not yet. That kind of went on the backburner for various issues came up. I'll try to get to it later on today... -- Joe Beaudoin 06:43, 20 May 2005 (EDT)


This is not my specialty, but do you think you could bring over Template:IPA from Wikipedia for pronunciations? --Peter Farago 15:45, 5 Aug 2005 (EDT)

Sure thing. The template is now online. -- Joe Beaudoin 20:22, 6 Aug 2005 (EDT)
Works great, thanks. --Peter Farago 02:58, 7 Aug 2005 (EDT)


Hey Joe, this is User:Zarek Rocks, I just wanted to thank you for setting this BSG wiki thing up. It looks like it was a lot of work on your part and I wanted to let you know I really appreciate it. I'm still trying to figure out all of the intricacies but am starting to get the hang of it, I think. Thanks again.

Acc. Deletion

Thank you for leaving me message in my talk. Current status is that, I have theese two profiles here: (it's their usernames)

I would like to keep up the Pavel Ptáček account, and delete "Lordhp" account.

Original Version: Pavel Ptáček 15:13, 17 Aug 2005 (EDT)

Edit because of changing my mind: Pavel Ptáček 06:10, 21 Aug 2005 (EDT)

Moving Pages

Joe, there are some pages that need to be moved around. Is there a better way to do it than copying contents to the right title and making a redirect? --Peter Farago 22:38, 23 Aug 2005 (EDT)

You should see a "move" tab on the top of each page. Just click that and enter in a new title... Thanks! -- Joe Beaudoin 17:48, 24 Aug 2005 (EDT)
I find that I use the Move page tab when there's a page that has good information but has a typo or other inaccuracy in its title, such as the Home episode pages. When there is a redundant page with little to no additional info as compared to the main page (like Zarek Rocks' recent additions), I'll move manually what data was useful to the primary page, then add the redirect tag in the redundant page so that, in case someone else thinks of that same idea, that placeholder page will redirect them anyway. Spencerian 18:27, 24 Aug 2005 (EDT)

Character Pages...

I wasn't sure where to drop this, so I put it here... I thought about putting it in the update talk, but that didn't seem right, either. I wonder if we shouldn't standardize how the Character pages are laid out (aside from the Template:Character Data, I mean). For instance, Lee Adama's looks really sharp. Notice it's got the contents at the top, then his Bio (the title of which might be haggled over later Biography vs. Biographical Notes or whatever), which ties in nicely to the Character Data box. On the other hand, if a page is too short to have or organized such that it doesn't have contents, that might look a little odd (Cf. Day).

On the other hand, we could do something like Aaron Doral's page with the intro paragraph to kind of act as that spacer in lieu of the contents listing. However, in cases where you do have a contents listing this looks, to my eye, not as sharp (Cf. Agathon, Karl C. which will soon be moved by me to Karl C. Agathon assuming I can figure out how to do it).

So, Joe and anyone else reading this... Whatcha think? Should we do without the intro and go straight into the Bio with a level 2 heading so that our longer write-ups look sharper? Should we have that intro so that our longer write-ups look less sharp, but our shorter ones look more sharp? Or should we change this based on length, so that there's an intro paragraph if it's too short for contents, but no intro paragraph when it gets long enough for one?

OR is my aesthetic sense telling me wrong and you guys like things I think are "less sharp" and so we should go with some otehr scheme entirely? --Day 01:51, 31 August 2005 (EDT)

We had the same idea, day. I've started a project page at Battlestar Wiki:Characters. --Peter Farago 04:00, 31 August 2005 (EDT)
Wonderous! I'm going to move my character-based project notes from my User page to that project page. Collaboration and communication please me. --Day 04:16, 31 August 2005 (EDT)


Joe, could you either examine the move requests at Battlestar Wiki:Characters and assist us with moves to article titles already occupied with redirects, or enable me to delete the relevant redirects myself? --Peter Farago 04:53, 31 August 2005 (EDT)

Spoiler Policy

I'm concerned that the discussion and vote on Battlestar Wiki:Spoiler Policy have wide participation, so as to provide a legitimate result. Would you consider advertising it in the site notice for a week or so? --Peter Farago 04:53, 31 August 2005 (EDT)