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Talk:Humanoid Cylon/Archive4: Difference between revisions

Discussion page of Humanoid Cylon/Archive4
Catrope (talk | contribs)
Catrope (talk | contribs)
Adding archive TOC
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| archivenumber = 01
| number = 1
| start = April 2, 2005
| end = January 23, 2006
| items = {{archive-item|01|12 Cylon or 12 Humano-Cylon models?}} {{archive-item|01|Same, yet Different?}} {{archive-item|01|Origin of the Term "Humano-Cylon"?}} {{archive-item|01|Hybrids/Sharon's daughter article?}} {{archive-item|01|Order of Models}} {{archive-item|01|Re: Adama and Gaeta being ruled out as "Humano-Cylons"}} {{archive-item|01|Ellen Tigh}} {{archive-item|01|Cylon Series Revision}} {{archive-item|01|Did Boomer really know the count of infiltrators}} {{archive-item|end=Y|01|List of people who are ruled out as Cylons?}}

== Term "significant seven" ==
== Term "significant seven" ==

Revision as of 11:02, 11 June 2007

Term "significant seven"

We've used various names for the original faction of 7 Cylons seen in the show. RDM revealed that the internal writer's term for them is the "significant seven" (a pun on the movie title) so I got the impression we try to use the internal terms rather than trying to make up a term, but I've seen edits in both directions. Likewise the term "final five" which is actually used in scripts (though I have always though it odd as a term the 7 would use for themselves.) If people don't like the writer's term we should standardize on one term which may even get a page -- first seven, original seven, "the seven," "genocidal seven" etc.--Bradtem 02:42, 21 April 2007 (CDT)

We try to use the same terms that the writers use, more often than not. So, yes, "Significant Seven" and the "Final Five" should be the terms we use -- until something better comes along. -- Joe Beaudoin So say we all - Donate 05:09, 21 April 2007 (CDT)
OK. I've updated the page with the reference in the "Final five" section (where its most germane) and created a redirect for any uses of "Significant seven" to go to that section. --Spencerian 09:30, 21 April 2007 (CDT)

Listing death of Cylon humanoids?

I was under the impression that Cylons can't die unless they can't resurrect. Death is permanent, is it not? The "Death" listings are only destructions of the body, not of the mind. As far as I'm concerned, only those that didn't resurrect after suffering bodily destruction are dead.

In the Elder Scrolls fantasy universe, the Daedra are a group of higher beings immune to death in a similar manner (though not reliant on some apparatus for resurrection). They are not considered "killed" when they suffer destruction of their corporeal form, but are called "Banished", because of their immunity to death.

I propose that individual cylon humanoids have "death" and "resurrection" made separate from each other, as they don't truly die unless they can't resurrect upon loss of their body. --MadCat, 2:11 PM CDT June 4, 2007

I'm not opposed to removing the various models' deaths from the "death" portion of the infobox, unless they die permanently (i.e. they're not able to resurrect). Deaths of their bodies, whether they were shot, doesn't count as true "death" to Cylons. -- Joe Beaudoin So say we all - Donate - Sanctuary Wiki — New 13:57, 4 June 2007 (CDT)
Even listing resurrections is not necessarily desirable. We had that with Leoben, and he "died" so often that it was just clutter and thankfully removed. --Serenity 14:00, 4 June 2007 (CDT)
I removed the death list for Caprica-Six, and I suggest we remove it for the other Cylons as well. --Catrope(Talk to me or e-mail me) 14:43, 4 June 2007 (CDT)
Something I just thought up that may be a gray area in this regard: What of Boxing? Would that be considered death in this context? Or is it not because the consciousness wasn't lost? --MadCat, 3:22 PM CDT June 4, 2007
In my opinion, boxing is death. The only "deaths" we've got left for humanoid Cylons are for Gina (who actually died without being resurrected) and for Number Three (whose entire line was boxed). I've removed the death list for Sharon Valerii, as she's still alive. --Catrope(Talk to me or e-mail me) 15:12, 4 June 2007 (CDT)
I remove death references for Cylons unless permanent (Gina) or boxed. Too much clutter in that template, which for concise bullets on a character, not for extensive lists of anything. --Spencerian 16:04, 4 June 2007 (CDT)
The only "death" we know of for certain would be Gina, since her consciousness has absolutely no way of being retrieved or reintegrated. As I understand it, boxing of a Cylon model isn't "death", but merely putting a Cylon in "cold storage". While it might be doubtful that the Cylons would "unbox" a boxed Cylon, there is still a possibility that it can be done. With that, boxing isn't really full and total death, a la Gina. -- Joe Beaudoin So say we all - Donate - Sanctuary Wiki — New 16:05, 4 June 2007 (CDT)