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Battlestar Wiki:Chiefs' noticeboard

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This noticeboard is a location to discuss and coordinate administrative tasks for the Battlestar Wiki.

It is our hope that this place can serve as a location for administrators to coordinate their efforts on the maintenance tasks of the Wiki (it's not ALL fun and games), as well as a spot for our contributors to be able to bring things to the attention of the admins if something needs to be done. Need a protected page edited? An article or picture deleted? Admins will watchlist this page so that your request won't get lost in the shuffle.

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Trouble with Spanish Templates

Hi Chiefs! Following Shane's suggestion, we have started updating a few templates of the Spanish wiki since the ones used until now had become obsolete. For some reason, deleting the old Episode Data one and replacing it with the Spanish translation of the one you're currently using here has resulted in chaos. Sure I have done something wrong, because for quite some time the system kinda mixed both templates (even if the old one had been deleted) and the translated episodes using the Episode Data template were all frakked up. I am the one doing the translation work but I don't want to mess up with the template's code once again, and Baltar Gaiolas is not confident either so.... would it possible for any of you guys, to give us a helping hand with this template? Thanks a mill. -- Mouan 02:20, 13 May 2008 (UTC)

Shane and I can take a crack at it. :) -- Joe Beaudoin So say we all - Donate - Battlestar Pegasus 02:24, 13 May 2008 (UTC)
Everything should be good to go now. The template {{!}} was not important that is a very big requirement for our complex templates. :) Shane (talk) 02:33, 13 May 2008 (UTC)
Thanks a mill, guys! -- Mouan 12:19, 13 May 2008 (UTC)
Thank Shane, Mouan. He found that pesky issue and fixed it! :D -- Joe Beaudoin So say we all - Donate - Battlestar Pegasus 18:58, 13 May 2008 (UTC)
OK, same thing happened again :( I translated a test of the Episode Data template and saved it (Test Plantilla: Datos de Episodio) and it has frakked things up once again. The original template has not been deleted, but it doesn't seem to have made any difference. I have deleted the test template but the episodes still look all messed up :( And now I am at my wit's end. I am more than happy to help with translations and such, but every time I "touch" the code, I frak up. I apologise for bothering you again with this issue, but I don't know what else I can do. Could any of you guys have a look at that template and fix it. Also, if possible, could someome tell me exactly what lines need to be translated into Spanish? Because I'm afraid that the problem may lay there, that I have translated part of the code :( -- Mouan 14:29, 14 May 2008 (UTC)
Future reference, don't mark it minor as I don't get updates when it does. You should have done it on es:Plantilla:Datos_de_Episodio There was no need to create es:Test Plantilla:Datos_de_Episodio. I don't see any problems other than it being in the wrong place. You also have to update the episode pages as well to use the new template. If you notice, all the variables are lower-case (es:Plantilla:Datos_de_Episodio) so es:33 template has to be updated to reflect the new varabile names as well. Look @ the output area of es:Plantilla:Datos_de_Episodio and look at the code. Very simple to update. Just requires patience. The template also has the rules on what needs to be filed out an way. Look @ my changes to es:33 and see how it came together. Shane (talk) 14:56, 14 May 2008 (UTC)
Thanks, Shane. So, if I've understood you correctly, I can replace es:Plantilla:Datos_de_Episodio with the translated version from the test page I created (es:Test Plantilla:Datos_de_Episodio), save it, and once it's done, delete the test page, right? After that, I need to go into every episode page and update the template. -- Mouan 16:30, 14 May 2008 (UTC)
Remember that you don't have to be afraid of breaking stuff beyond repair: you can always undo your edits and revert the template back to a working version. --Catrope(Talk to me or e-mail me) 18:08, 14 May 2008 (UTC)

WYSIWYG editor problems

The new WYSIWYG editor is surely very nifty (though slow), but did you notice how it messes up internal links? All by itself changes something like [[Natalie]] to [[Natalie|Natalie]]. And that for all links within the text whenever you edit a page with it. Functionally, it's the same, but generally we took care to remove such unnecessary piping by hand. I could make understand something like [[Battlestar|battlestar]], but it changes anything no matter what. That kinda clutters up the text if you read it the old way.

It also didn't take my nowiki-links here for some reason and translated them into html characters. Typing them in text view and then switching to WYSIWYG worked. Moreover, it writes categories in one line instead of one line per category. More seriously, none of the quick links below the edit box works anymore. -- Serenity 10:12, 26 May 2008 (UTC)

What the hell.. those who prefer to read and edit plain wikitext (like I do) can click the "Wikitext" button in the top left corner of the editor. Anyway, according to the extension page on, it's an "expirimental approach providing a semi-WYSIWYG concept". IMO, FCKeditor is not nearly mature enough to be used here. Also, I was surprised that such a major change was made without discussion or without testing on the Hangar Bay. Shouldn't we at least go through the Think Tank and all that? --Catrope(Talk to me or e-mail me) 10:29, 26 May 2008 (UTC)
Yes, you can do both, but if someone fraks up the formatting with the editor (and that happens merely by using it), that's also visible in the standard wiki view. -- Serenity
Guys, you can simply disable the text editor via your preferences. Click "Misc" then click on "Disable rich editor". (Or, if you have the JS toolbar disabled, it'll have the same effect, as Shane and I found out just last night.) Oh, and we've been testing this on between User:pagad and myself. Also the piping issue is known to me and I'm working with a bot person from WP to get a bot that will nip that problem, until the guys at FCK/MW can get that kink worked out. :) -- Joe Beaudoin So say we all - Donate - Battlestar Pegasus 15:39, 26 May 2008 (UTC)
Ok, ok. Sorry, I said anything :s ;) -- Serenity 16:37, 26 May 2008 (UTC)
Us 'expert users' will not use this, but hey :) Shane (talk) 20:31, 26 May 2008 (UTC)
I'm really getting fed up by FCKeditor behaving as its name suggests, namely fucking up wikitext. One of the most blatant examples is this diff. The guy just added himself as a translator for native Turkish, but that's hidden between lots of no-op changes. I say we disable FCKEditor for the time being and look for another WYSIWYG editor (there are others out there) that does not fuck up as severely as FCKEditor does. --Catrope(Talk to me or e-mail me) 21:59, 27 May 2008 (UTC)
I am in agreement here. I think we should remove it or disable it by default. Shane (talk) 22:15, 27 May 2008 (UTC)
At the least it should be disabled by default, so that not everyone messes up the layout of the pages by using it because it just happens to be on. -- Serenity 22:59, 27 May 2008 (UTC)

new old promo pics

Photographer Carole Seagal has released about 175 promo pics of old episodes:

Sometimes they're already available, but there's also lots of new stuff there, and some are from cut scenes. They aren't high-res and only around 500*360, but of good quality. Might be some interesting stuff there for one or the other article. -- Serenity 19:02, 27 May 2008 (UTC)

Golly frakkin' damn... Sweet! :D -- Joe Beaudoin So say we all - Donate - Battlestar Pegasus 19:11, 27 May 2008 (UTC)
Mass download? :) Shane (talk) 19:15, 27 May 2008 (UTC)
There seems to be one available here, but you need to register. -- Serenity 19:17, 27 May 2008 (UTC)


Single User Login was enabled for everybody at Wikipedia today. This feature has been planned since 2005, and enables users to log in with the same name at all Wikipedia wikis. The idea is basically that you first unify your accounts. I, for example, had accounts called "Catrope", all with the same password, at, enwiki and nlwiki. After unifying them, SUL registers that you now have a global account called "Catrope". This means that as soon as I visit, say, dewiki, SUL will automatically create an account for me and log me in.

Maybe we could use this so we won't have to create accounts at all wikis (en, de, ..., zh, media) anymore? The extension that does all this is here, and of course it requires MediaWiki 1.13 unless we're willing to settle for the stripped-down and probably buggy version that is compatible with 1.12. --Catrope(Talk to me or e-mail me) 21:21, 27 May 2008 (UTC)

A neat plan. I like unification so long as security is maintained since it's an all-eggs-in-one-basket situation. (Wow, this editor is funky to use). Thoughts? --Spencerian 21:46, 27 May 2008 (UTC)
Security is maintained, or they wouldn't enable it at Wikipedia :P There are procedures in place for when someone else has already created an account with your name on another wiki (not likely to happen on our modest wiki farm), and group membership (such as sysop-ship) isn't site-wide. This means it's possible for e.g. User:Baltar Gaiolas to be a sysop at es: but not at en:. --Catrope(Talk to me or e-mail me) 21:50, 27 May 2008 (UTC)
I been waiting for something to come along. We will implement as soon as it's Saturday Night. I think this is a good idea. We should test it with the HB. How does it work with bots, edit counts, etc? Shane (talk) 22:11, 27 May 2008 (UTC)
Well bots are just users who just happen not to be human. To use SUL for a bot, you'll have to login as the bot and go to Special:MergeAccount to merge its account (i.e. enable SUL), then let the bot just try to login at any wiki (whether through the UI or the API), and an account will automatically be created for it if it doesn't exist yet on that particular wiki. Edit counts are separated per-wiki, as are permissions, contributions and pretty much everything else. As to the HB testing part: we'll probably have to create a second HB so we can test the SUL feature. Just one wiki isn't enough ;) --Catrope(Talk to me or e-mail me) 22:15, 27 May 2008 (UTC)
Aye. I see that you can do a dry run before we do it. I think it would be good once we upgrade to do that. I will have to create a user account database for SUL. That's not really that big of a deal. Shane (talk) 22:16, 27 May 2008 (UTC)
You don't necessarily have to create a new database for that. You can also use one of the existing ones. I also changed the extension today so you can add the tables through the familiar php maintenance/update.php, rather than having to import an SQL file. --Catrope(Talk to me or e-mail me) 22:20, 27 May 2008 (UTC)
I rather it be on it's own database. That way I can use it for other things. php maintenance/update.php --importsql? Shane (talk) 22:22, 27 May 2008 (UTC)