User talk:Joe Beaudoin Jr.

Discussion page of User:Joe Beaudoin Jr.
Revision as of 09:16, 1 October 2007 by Troyian (talk | contribs)

Cylon "Epiphanies" info

  • Mr. Beaudoin do you have the Season 2.5 DVD? I ask because I understand that deleted scenes in the "Epiphanies" episode give some insight into Cylon physiology and I'm really curious. I ask that if you have the information could you please add it to the "Humanoid Cylon" article (as well as my talk page). If you don't have it, thanks anyway. -- Troyian 04:14, 1 October 2007 (CDT)
  • I know this is quick. But never mind. I just checked and apparently there are no deleted scenes from "Epiphanies" on the Season 2.5 DVD set. Shame! -- Troyian 04:16, 1 October 2007 (CDT)