Caprica 5 is a television news channel which provided reports of Colonial happenings to the general Caprican population. As a secondary function, the station broadcasts events from other colonies, such as a Pyramid game on Gemenon, although the station has a tendency to override the broadcast signal in order to show news about Caprica.
The station's logo was an italicized 5 made of pixels superimposed upon a hexagon. A larger 5 of the same design can be seen to the logo's left, fogged into a blue stripe.
Caprica 5 had a news ticker rolling across the bottom of the screen that displayed stock market reports.
Gaius Baltar gives an interview from his estate to Kellan Brody, the host of the talk show In the Spotlight which focused on Capricans who stole the headlines with their accomplishments.
Caprica 5 is broadcasting emergency reports during the Cylon attack (which Baltar watches in horror). In this instance, Brody tells her audience to remain calm before an explosion was heard in the background. Seconds later, the station or broadcast antenna was destroyed, evidenced by the screen reverting to static (Miniseries, Night 1).