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Talk:Humanoid Cylon speculation/Reboot/Archive 1

Discussion page of Humanoid Cylon speculation/Reboot/Archive 1

Reboot Thoughts

A good idea; since much of what we know of the Seven really may not apply. It's like the start all over again (complete with annoying delay between miniseries cliffhanger and first season). --Spencerian 08:27, 9 April 2007 (CDT)

I think this page is a good idea but can't we assume some people ARE exempt from being cylons? Helo and Cally probably aren't cylons because we've been told cylons can't breed with other cylons (granted that might not hold between two final fivers or one final fiver and one significant seven). Lee has a childhood that not only he remembers but also remembered by his father (granted Lee could always turn out to be half-cylon). --Meteor 15 April 2007

What we have is RDM telling us that Nicholas and Hera are cylon-human hybrids, which does indeed tell us that Helo and Cally are humans. The "Cylons can't breed with other Cylons" however can't be confirmed for the F5 as you note. We don't know the F5 did not have childhoods (Tyrol certainly feels he did, he even claims his childhood is well documented when Tigh accuses him of being a Cylon). In addition, since RDM only picked the 4 Cylons and wrote their backstories during season 3, we even have to discount some of his podcast and interview quotes from S1 and S2 about this thoughts on Cylon nature then -- he has now done much more development on it and I am sure has changed his mind of a few minor things and may even retcon some. Exclusion should be soley based on things learned about the F5 in season 3.--Bradtem 13:25, 15 April 2007 (CDT)
I'd tend to agree with this. RDM's MO is more extemporaneous, and it sounded like (especially from the podcast of Crossroads, II) the final four weren't selected until season 3, and so there'd be no (intended) clues until that had been determined. It sounds like he refuses to be bound to the rules we tried to impose on him for the final five... I don't know what he'll constrain himself to for the last one. Except that Boxey (RDM) is probably a bit old now to do a reprise... --Steelviper 18:14, 15 April 2007 (CDT)

I'm working my way through the series again, almost through Season three (I'm a few episodes short in the middle), so I'm not sure if this has already been addressed, but didn't the colonel say "Oh my god, Ellen." as he was in the Gym with the other three? As I was watching that, I thought that this implied that she was the final Cylon, and the colonel was bothered because he was responsible for her death... and if I remember correctly, she was assisting the Cylons on New Caprica. Just a thought. --Teegtahn 21:25, 19 April 2007 (CDT)

Didn't get that at all. Tigh and Anders are listing a variety of events from their life that no longer make sense. Tigh ends his list with "Ellen, my gods, what about ellen?" almost in tears. Remember that Tigh's whole theme for the episode, and indeed for the whole season, has been remorse over killing Ellen. Now he learns he killed her for being a Cylon collaborator, and he turns out to be a Cylon. Is it hard to understand how this would be hard to bear? It's not anger he says this with, but anguish.--Bradtem 22:53, 19 April 2007 (CDT)
I think you are right Brad, at leasts thats how I felt about the scene. --Mercifull (Talk/Contribs) 02:53, 20 April 2007 (CDT)
I had considered that, but, to the same argument I could argue that the statement is implying that Ellen was executed on the basis of being a Cylon collaborator, when she herself was a Cylon along with Tigh. My basis for this is belief is Cylons seem to be attracted to eachother when they're not aware they're cylons (Reference: Tyrol & Sharon). I'm rolling through the third season again on my PVR, so I may have to reconsider my position after I've seen this all-in-a-row. But once again, this is just a thought. --Teegtahn 17:42, 20 April 2007 (CDT)
No, in the frak podcast RDM says these 4 Cylons know nothing else, less than the audience, other than that a switch has gone off so they are sure they are Cylons. So they don't know who the 5th Cylon was, Ellen or otherwise. Play back this scene. Tigh's been moping about Ellen's death all season, and especially in this episode. Everything they say is, as far as I can tell said in the context of, "Why 40 years in the service when I'm a Cylon" "Why the resistance when I'm a Cylon etc." Ellen is the cap. If he were realizing Ellen were a Cylon -- and RDM's statement seems to confirm he's not -- the would be reacting with joy that she's probably still alive and downloaded, not anguish at the tragic irony that he killed her for being a Cylon collaborator. Hogan's a good enough actor that to me he is screaming this. Anyway, I don't want to get into a speculation war since he doesn't spell it out in precise words, but he has not become aware Ellen is Cylon (indeed he's shocked to learn the other 3 are too) so he's not crying out Ellen's name in anguish because he realized she is a Cylon. The 4 have realized one thing -- that they are Cylons, and have been from the start.--Bradtem 19:32, 20 April 2007 (CDT)
My apologies, I had not heard the podcast. Thanks for helping me clear it up -- It's a shame though, for a split second I thought I had it. --Teegtahn 19:42, 20 April 2007 (CDT)

No Replacements?

Does that even still hold? The Final Five are a whole different kettle of fish, and Moore seems to have reevaluated his conception of who can be a Cylon now. Statements he made near the beginning of the show's run may not hold anymore. Personally, I'm not sure that the no replacement rule still applies. But I might be biased, because I think the reveal of Lee would be amazing (although I don't want the gender ratio to get any more frakked up). Anyway, personally, the only people I'm willing to remove from suspicion are Helo and Cally. Moore said he doesn't want Adama and Roslin to be Cylons either, and that's pretty good evidence they won't be, but even there I don't see it set in stone. Alpha5099 12:03, 22 April 2007 (CDT)