Joe's bar is a drinking establishment on Galactica.

It is located behind a storage area on one of the hangar decks, probably in the largely unused starboard flight pod, and run by a civilian, for whom it is named after.
Lee Adama seems to be a good friend of Joe. The two might know each other from elsewhere in the Fleet, or Adama spent some time at the bar before introducing Tyrol to it.
A Viper Mk II is suspended from the ceiling above the bar. It is likely just an airframe that was stripped off all useful parts, like the scrapped Viper 289.

- The songs heard as background music in "Taking a Break From All Your Worries" are original compositions. One is titled "Lord Knows I Would", composed and performed by Raya Yarbrough - who is the voice of most vocals on the BSG soundtrack - and available on one her albums. "All That Remains" is also performed by her, but composed by Bear McCreary and is part of his Rest Stop soundtrack.