For archived discussions prior to January 23, 2006, click here.
Replacement and retirement of article title[edit]
This discussion's origin originated in the Standards and Conventions talk page, where you can find the original content.
Per the discussion in the above link, I plan to move this article to Cylon agent, as it is the most commonly used term to describe the humanoid Cylon models. "Humano-Cylon" will redirect here, and we will need to scour for other terms to redirect as well. This name is sufficiently canonical that it is unlikely that further debate is required. --Spencerian 14:58, 14 February 2006 (EST)
- Go for it. Though with an article title of "Cylon agent", it would be great to have a screen capture of the file on Laura's desk that has that wording on it. --Steelviper 15:04, 14 February 2006 (EST)
- I may just spend $2 on iTunes to get just that. --Spencerian 15:14, 14 February 2006 (EST)
- Move completed; no Big Thang. Summary subarticle in Cylon series pages also updated. Please update any pages for old terminology when appropriate. --Spencerian 15:33, 14 February 2006 (EST)
- Am I right in saying that all references to Humano-Cylon should be changed to Cylon agent> --Grafix 08:12, 6 March 2006 (CST)
- That's correct. We're going with "Cylon agent" since the only evidence indicating "Humano-Cylon" (see below) may have been doctored by the Cylons to throw us off... --Steelviper 08:19, 6 March 2006 (CST)
- Just to clarify; they made the picture below as a joke. Really, we discussed it on our Conventions page, and "human-cylon" seemed too much like describing the Hybrid, and hasn't gained much outside use, so we opted for something else. --The Merovingian 14:05, 6 March 2006 (CST)
Known Cylon Agents[edit]
That pic is AWESOME! It fits the section so well that I would normally suspect that it had been photoshopped (if I hadn't already seen it in the show). --Steelviper 17:00, 15 February 2006 (EST)
- Perhaps you moved the article too soon...
- I'll likely delete this image soon. I just had the idea of Photoshopping the folder after the preceding post. --Steelviper 18:19, 15 February 2006 (EST)
- Photoshop: Suitable tool, or instrument of Satan? --Spencerian 21:37, 15 February 2006 (EST)
Naming Convention[edit]
As of "Downloaded" we now finally know some other Model numbers besides Number Six: "D'anna Biers" is Number Three, "Aaron Doral" is Number Five, and "Sharon 'Boomer' Valerii" is Number Eight.
In light of this, should we change the title of some, or all, of their character articles to read "Number Three", etc. like for Number Six? Because apparently, among themselves the Cylons never actually use the fake human names some used as spys, or indeed refer to themselves by name at all. --The Merovingian 02:59, 25 February 2006 (EST)
I would think that the unfortunately named Number Two is a pretty thankless job. --The Merovingian 03:00, 25 February 2006 (EST)
- Yes, where those numbers are known. I broached the subject on Talk:Sharon Valerii and am currently awaiting a little more feedback before we go ahead with the move. --Peter Farago 03:07, 25 February 2006 (EST)
Do the Cylons tend to look out for Number One? Philwelch 03:09, 25 February 2006 (EST)
Number One is not a number, he is a man. --The Merovingian 03:10, 25 February 2006 (EST)
- A free man? Philwelch 03:24, 25 February 2006 (EST)
- I agree with changing the title of ALL articles referring to the mainstream model, making two new for D'anna and Aaron (the media models) like we did for the sharons and sixes.--Sauron18 25 February 2006
When did "we" start calling them "Galactica-Boomer", "Caprica-Boomer", "Pegasus-Six", etc? You see, does make up and popularize terms like this....but I'm not sure if they STARTED using it, or if they TOOK UP using it from some reviewer or the messageboards. I seriously think this is one of those Stand Alone Complex things; we all just more or less independently, from the grassroots up, got the idea to do that. Anyone? --The Merovingian 04:49, 25 February 2006 (EST)
- Pretty much. --Peter Farago 14:03, 25 February 2006 (EST)
- I generally compel the proper use of "Boomer" to the Galactica model only, as she is the copy that actually served. No one in episodes have called the Caprica copy by that name, and things are confusing enough. "Caprica-Valerii" or "Galactica-Valerii" (or Boomer) is better. Otherwise, yes, we have to make things up until we get an official term, but we should be consistent and precise about it. Never use Sharon in any context--use of character first names only is against wiki convention in episode summaries. --Spencerian 17:19, 25 February 2006 (EST)
- Actually, Baltar called Caprica-Sharon "Boomer" at the end of Home, part 2. But what does he know?--Noneofyourbusiness 18:55, 9 March 2006 (EST)
- I generally compel the proper use of "Boomer" to the Galactica model only, as she is the copy that actually served. No one in episodes have called the Caprica copy by that name, and things are confusing enough. "Caprica-Valerii" or "Galactica-Valerii" (or Boomer) is better. Otherwise, yes, we have to make things up until we get an official term, but we should be consistent and precise about it. Never use Sharon in any context--use of character first names only is against wiki convention in episode summaries. --Spencerian 17:19, 25 February 2006 (EST)
Question: a Cylon agent transfers its consciousness...[edit]
I just started watching BSG about a week ago and im only part way through season 2, but I'm thinking isn't there a way for the Galactica crew to stop the cylon agents they kill from transmiting their consciousness? Cant they put the agent in a room with thick metal walls to stop the signal, or put their bodies into a woodchipper, or something similar, so whatever system in the body that transmits will be destroyed? In season one they just tossed the agent out an airlock, they didn't even try to stop him. I guess they really haven't explained yet how it is even possible for the agent's body to come up with enough energy to transmit their entire consciousness in an undetectable signal instantly across several light years. Maybe they'll get to it in a future episode, including the ones I haven't seen yet. Right now, its very magical fairies. --Bp 17:07, 9 March 2006 (CST)
- It comes up a bit later. Specifically, right after the mid-season cliff-hanger of Season 2. Not all your questions will be answered, but it becomes less magical. *wink* --Day 02:09, 10 March 2006 (CST)
Grace Park Reveals Cylon Secrets....[edit]
MediaBlvd's interview with Grace Park was releasd in the full today, revealing a few more things about the nature of the Cylons that had not been released before. A lot of things are Park's own point of view, but she does mention a few interesting facts she read in the "Cylon Handout". Some of these facts include:
- " Because Cylons were created in the form of humans, and humans were created in God’s image, and Cylons want to be close to God, they can actually choose - but some models more likely than others tend to eat rather than just taking in nutrients. We just learned all this, I didn’t even know it, but taking in nutrients, I think through the skin"
- "There would be specific ports in the Cylon base ship that they could do this, and they can also do that with information."
- "- it wasn’t a very specific jack, like your phone jack in the wall. Nothing like that in her arm."
- "A little bit of both of that. Within one model, the different bodies can share memories, but within that model only. Now I use the words ‘CAN share memories,’ because it’s not like they all automatically share them. I’m under the understanding that you can choose to upload, and you can choose to download information."
- "- that the Cylons that we’ve known so far are programmed not even to think about the last five."
These are the actual facts she mentions, amidst her opinions, but what I posted were the solid facts. The last one had already been mentioned before, but this comment clarified that it's not that they don't know who they are, they just don't think about them.
There are also some other interesting tidbits in there (such as why exactly the Naked Sharons let themeselves die) which may help other articles.
I wanted to ask before posting any of this information, it's all solid and concise, but should we nonetheless abstain from putting in the bits we got (because we have nothing else and it would prove to be tantalizing). I think we should put it in, since they are actual facts from the new "Cylon Bible", but I wanted to pass it here so that you can judge on where to put them and how to word them. (Cuz I suck at actually adding it on the article, so I'd rather share the info and let someone else do the fine tuning on the article itself)
For the full interview:
--Sauron18 17:22 09 May 2006
- That's kind of how I always rationalized they must share info; not between models, not a hive mind, they CAN but don't alaways. This "nutrient bath" thing is new and intruiging though. "This form brings us closer to God"; yeah I was already theorizing on this after that comment in KLG II that that's why they wanted to appear humanlike. Anyway, great to get some more or less confirmation on those musings/speculation. ***I don't know why, but some people treated it as a "oh my God, massive spoiler" that the 7 known Cylon models might not consciously think of who the unrevealed ones are. I mean, it doesn't actually affect the plot or ANY of our speculation so far; always assumed they had some sort of saftey feature like that for secrecy. I wonder: was this "Cylon Bible" RECENTLY written? The Series Bible was written in the break between the Miniseries and season one. Of course, they could have had these Cylon points as running ideas in the writer's room, but is this new, written down 10 page-ish long "Cylon Bible" something new she got? Context. --The Merovingian (C - E) 21:26, 9 May 2006 (CDT)
- It seems the series bible did not containt detailed information on the Cylon Characters beyond the basics, the new bible is specifically made for Cylons I think, probably detailing some history, both personal and such, and the kind of things that may help an actor understand who/what they are playing.
Also, this nutrient bath may be the reason we saw the Sharons naked in KLG2, rather than the Cylons being nudists., and maybe that's also why that part of the Basestar is organic, because it feeds the Ships and the Agents. Guess we'll know in Season 3 --Sauron18
- Well I always thought they were naked just because they were "fresh off the assembly line" or "in storage" or whatever; like Terminator. --The Merovingian (C - E) 16:09, 10 May 2006 (CDT)