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An episode of the Re-imagined Series
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Cylon society is revealed when a Cylon's conciousness is downloaded into a new body following her death. The conquerors of occupied Caprica hail two "heroes of the Cylon," who both resist their new celebrity.


  • Episode begins with a flashback to "9 months ago - Caprica" showing Baltar's house being destroyed in the Miniseries. The copy of Number Six who had a relationship dies...and then we follow from her point of view as her consciousness is downloaded and reborn into another body in a Cylon rebirthing vat. She fell so deeply in love with Gaius Baltar that she starts having hallucinations of Baltar, because the emotional impact of falling in love affected her so much. We then cut to "10 weeks ago" on Galactica when Cally shoots Galactica-Sharon...and follow from her point of view as she is downloaded (no doubt aided by the Resurrection Ship at the time) and wakes up totally disoriented in a new body in another rebirthing vat. A copy of the same model of Cylon known to humans as D'anna Biers tells her she'll be fine, but upon seeing another Sharon-model, Galactica-Sharon starts screaming uncontrollably.
  • On Galactica, Caprica-Sharon has gone into labor; she passed out and her placenta detatched, and Dr. Cottle delivers the baby by C-section. It is premature and it's lungs aren't fully developed as a result, so it has to be put in an oxygen-incubator. As Caprica-Sharon predicted, it is a girl. Helo and Caprica-Sharon adore it together, and name her "Hera". Meanwhile, President Roslin, Baltar, Admiral Adama, and Col. Tigh debate what to do with it. Baltar points out that it is half-human. Adama realizes the Cylons want it, and that the Cylons still hiding in the Fleet will try to make a move for it if they know about it.
  • On Caprica in the present day, the Cylons are rebuilding Delphi for their own use, even making gardens. A D'anna-copy sits down to talk with the Number Six copy that seduced Baltar. She has never told anyone that she fell truly in love with Baltar, and to this day hallucinates him as a result, because she thinks the others would destroy her for being defective. The D'anna-copy asks if she will go and see another Cylon who was recently downloaded into a new body, and is still having trouble adapting: Galactica-Sharon, who is also something of a celebrity and war hero for her acts of sabotage and attempted assasintation on Adama. She points out that she even still calls herself "Sharon". She warns that if she cannot be fixed, there is talk of "boxing" her: putting her consciousness in cold storage and never loading it into a new body again.
  • This copy of Number Six is considered a war-hero; she was personally responsible for gaining the information that allowed the near-total sabotage of the Colonial Fleet, and has actually become something of a celebrity to the Cylons. They even refer to her specifically as "Caprica-Six".
  • In a short conversation while walking to Galactica-Sharon's old appartment (which she moved back into), the D'anna-copy quickly lists off the Numbers of several Cylon models: "D'anna Biers" is Number Three, "Aaron Doral" is Number Five, and "Sharon Valerii" is Number Eight.
  • Caprica-Six goes to Galactica-Sharon's appartment, where she proclaims that she doesn't believe in the Cylon God or his "love" and that the only real love she had was with the Galactica crew. She expresses intense guilt at betraying them. Caprica-Six starts to manipulate her by trying to emphasize with her, saying that she loved a man too: Gaius Baltar. Startled, Galactica-Sharon says that Baltar is not dead, but is the new Vice President of the Colonies, on board Galactica.
  • Moving their conversation to a cafe on the ground floor of Sharon's appartment, Caprica-Six and Sharon wonder why Number Three never told Caprica-Six that Baltar was alive, which they found out from Galactica-Sharon. Caprica-Six (through conversation with her hallucinated Baltar) realizes that Number Three manipulated her; she thought that letting sending her to Sharon, and letting her find out that the man she loved was alive, might make her go crazy, and Number Three and excuse to have them both boxed.
  • Meanwhile, Samuel Anders and two other members of the human resistance are planning to plant a bomb in the garage underneath the cafe, and blow it up. They know the Cylons will all just download into other bodies, but Anders points out that from Caprica-Sharon, they know that Cylons remember dying, and it must be horrifically painful: they're going to show them that nowhere is safe, and they should leave Caprica if they want to stop painfully dying and being reborn over and over again.
  • Number Three shows up at the cafe, and asks how things are doing. Having realized her plan, Caprica-Six lies and says emphatically that Galactica-Sharon will move out of her appartment and start adapting back to Cylon life. Galactica-Sharon takes the hint and goes along with the lie. Disappointed, Number Three offers to help her move out right now, and they leave the cafe and start going up the stairs to Sharon's appartment.
  • The resistance members set up the bomb and all but Anders leave, but just before he can get out a Cylon Centurion starts snooping around, and he can't get back to the exit. It sees the bomb and Anders shoots it then ducks behind a car as the bomb goes off.
  • All three Cylons survived the blast, because the stairwell protected them on the higher floor. Caprica-Six is buried under some rubble, and Number Three insists that she is dead and they should leave her (subtly trying to kill her so Three can have her boxed). However, Caprica-Six then moves and asks for help and they uncover her. Her knee is dislocated, and Three again suggests that it would be easier, if Six wants, to just kill her so she'll be reborn. Realizing Three is trying to have her boxed, she insists on not doing that.


  • What will D'anna's do when she is re-embodied?


  • Apparently the documentary broadcast from the Fleet in "Final Cut" was not made widely available, since if Caprica-Six had seen it, she would have already known about Baltar's survival.


  • Anders refers to Cylons as "Skin Jobs" in this episode, another referrence to Blade Runner.
  • Lee Adama is visible in a photograph in Sharon Valerii (Galactica copy)'s apartment in Delphi. However, Adama and Valerii had never served together prior to the events of the miniseries. This is probably a continuity error.

Noteworthy Dialogue

Official Statements

  • David Eick's video blog shows the crew preparation for filming a Cylon rebirthing scene, most likely for this episode.


Guest Stars

Writing & Direction

Production Notes

  • Series 2 (2005 / 2006)
  • Production Number: 2.18
  • Airdate Order: 18 (of 20)

First Run Air Dates & Releases

  • UK Airdate: Date
  • US Airdate: 24 February 2006
  • DVD Release (UK): Date
  • DVD Release (US): Date
  • Nielsen Rating: X.X million households, XXX share
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