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Lost Planet of the Gods, Part I: Difference between revisions

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[[Image:lostplanet.jpg|thumb|Opening shot from "Lost Planet of the Gods"]]
[[Image:lostplanet.jpg|thumb|200px|Opening shot from "Lost Planet of the Gods"]]

: <i>This episode guide is in progress.  You may add upon it as you so choose.</i>
: <i>This episode guide is in progress.  You may add upon it as you so choose.</i>

Revision as of 02:43, 30 December 2005

Opening shot from "Lost Planet of the Gods"
This episode guide is in progress. You may add upon it as you so choose.


Part One:

As Serina and Apollo celebrate their engagement several warriors aboard the Galactica are stricken with a mysterious virus that threatens to wipe them all out. Meanwhile a mysterious black void causes more alarm for the fleet and Adama must now rely on the training of inexepeirenced shuttle pilots to take the place of the stricken colonial warriors.


With many warriors suffering from an unknown ailment, the Galactica recruits new viper pilots—mostly young women, including Apollo's new bride, Serena. Led by Adama's spiritual interpretations, the fleet enters a vast magnetic void, emerging at the planet Kobol, their legendary homeworld. Before Adama can discover Earth's location from the inscribed hieroglyphs, though, a Cylon attack destroys the sacred city on Kobol—and claims the life of Serena.

Episode Summary

  • The episode begins on board the Galactica. Adama, Apollo, Serena, Boxey, Starbuck and Athena are all enjoying a meal prepared by Athena. Adama drops hints that Serina would makes some young man happy and that they have been waiting sometime for a major announcement by Apollo. Apollo finally announces that he and Serena are to be married if Boxey approves. Everyone celebrates and Athena looks at Starbuck longingly. Starbuck quickly gets up from the dinner and leaves stating he has as best man he has to prepare for the grooms send off.
  • Boomer and Jolly prepare for their patrol and as they wait for launch clearance Starbuck and Apollo reminice in the launch bay. Starbuck feels that Apollo's marriage is an end of the closeness of their friendship, Apollo is touched by Starbuck's devotion of friendship.
  • Boomer and Jolly launch on their patrol, soon followed by Starbuck and Apollo.
  • Meanwhile on board the Cylon base star Baltar stay of execution is lifted and he is spared and given command of a base star and introduced to an IL-Series Drone, Lucifer, as his second-in-command.
  • Starbuck continues to reminice with Apollo on their patrol and they come across a black void. Apollo ventures out to investigate the void much to Stabucks chragrin. Starbuck keeps track of Apollo so they won't get lost.
  • On board the Galactica Greenbean shows up with victuls for the party and security enters questioning where the supplies came from. Colonel Tigh enters and says that he is responsible for the supplies being in the Warriors Lounge. Tigh jokingly remprimends Greenbean for lifting rations and orders the party be in full swing before Apollo returns.
  • Starbuck continues to track Apollo through the void as Apollo ventures deeper into the void. He fires a round of lasers so Apollo can find him and Apollo does. Apollo follows Starbuck out of the void and the two head back to the Galactica Apollo owing Starbuck a fumarillo.
  • Boomer and Jolly land on a asteroid in the Otarsis sector and Boomer notices some pods. At first Jolly can't see them and Boomer points them out. Boomer reminds Jolly that if they miss any one of these outposts they'll never know what hit them. They hide as a Cylon patrol launches from the pods and after the ships veer away from the direction of the fleet Boomer and Jolly quickly leave to warn the Galactica.
  • On board Baltar's base star Lucifer reports that they spotted the patrol at the listening outpost and follow the route to the Galactica. Lucifer says they will take them by suprise. Baltar reminds him of the defeat at Carillon and tells Lucifer to keep the Galactica just beyond their detection range as he forumulates a plan.
  • Adam orders Boomer and Jolly's patrol in. As Boomer follows Jolly in he notices Jolly not flying properly and tells him to steady up. Jolly appears feverish but manages to land. Boomer makes his report to Adama about the outpost and Adama asks Tigh to change course that will eventually take them into the void.
  • Boomer skips decontamination and heads to the party. Boomer falters and Giles tells him to quit clowning around since Tigh is watching. Tigh warns them that if they are going to get falling down drunk then he will send them back to quarters. Boomer almost passes out from his fever.
  • In the medical bay Doctor Salika and Cassiopea look over Jolly and he is alomst in a coma. Due to his condition they put him in a cryo-support chamber.
  • Apollo and Starbuck return from patrol and go to de-con. Meanwhile on the bridge Salik reports to Adama the nature of Jolly's illness. Adama orders security to quartine everyone who has been in contact with Jolly and Boomer. As Apollo and Starbuck approach the Warrior's lounge Salik and Adama stop them just in time and orders the other warriors back in and Salik orders them quarantined.
  • Apollo makes his report on the void to Adama and Tigh. Adama is distracted by mention of the void and goes to his quarters to think about this news. He apprantly knows something that Tigh and Apollo don't.
  • Apollo returns to his quarters and talks with Boxey. Boxey won't tell Apollo what Serena has planned. Apollo enters and sees Serena in her flight uniform. He find out she has been training as a shuttle cadet and she has finished her first solo. Boxey leaves so Serena and Apollo can argue. Apollo mentions about how dangerous being a pilot is including a shuttle pilot. Serena reminds Apollo that Athena is a pilot and a warrior. They both mention how dangerous the others job is and about the losses suffered on Carillon. Apollo finally relents and asks her if she is any good and Serena says she is top of her class and Apollo says she better be since she is going to be married to the squadron commander.
  • Salik reports another warrior has gone critical. Adama reports to Salik on the warriors condition and Salik tells Adama of the cryo-containers. Adama stresses the importance of the warriors and Salik tells Adama that his main concern right now is keeping them alive.
  • Adam reads a journal in his quarters about the days of Kobol and the magnetic void. Apollo enters and Adama gives him a roster of colonists who are deemed experienced enough to be combat trained. Apollo is shocked at this revelation. Adama stands his ground and sends Apollo on his way with his orders to train the new pilots. Apollo asks Adama to read the names on the roster Adama does and notices Serena name.
  • Apollo and Starbuck begin the female shuttle pilots training to Viper pilots. Serena flirts with Apollo during the training.
  • Cassiopea reports on another unit going critical. Salik goes to the bridge to asks Adama for a shuttle to go the asteroid where Boomer and Jolly were to find the source of the infection. Faced with the great loss of warriors Adama now has no choice but to get the very green viper pilots who are still in simulators ready for the mission. Adama orders Salik to get his team ready.
  • In training Athena is in the simulator and as she destroys a Cylon she also inadvertanly kills Starbuck. The training is interrupted when Apollo is called to the bridge.
  • On the bridge Adama asks the status of the pilots. Adama then tells Apollo that there is no choice now but to launch the new warriors on the mission to the asteroid. Apollo reminds Adama that the pilots will be throwing thier lives if they go on this mission. Adama weighs the odds but still elects to have the mission proceed much to Apollo's amazement.
  • Apollo and Starbuck launch their vipers first followed by the new Blue Squadron pilots. The launch goes off without an issue except for Brie who has difficulty getting control of her viper after launch, but she does and Rigel announces the succesful launch of Blue Squadron.
  • On board Baltar's ship Lucifer reports to Baltar that they have overtaken the Galactica and that the Galactica is turning into the void. Baltar requests that they capture one of the warriors during their patrols. Lucifer leaves happy in Baltar's deviousness.
  • The warriors continue on their mission. Apollo goes ahead to the asteroid to destroy the outpost while Starbuck stays behind with the new warriors. Brie reports on objects coming from behind and Starbuck notices that it's a Cylon freighter. Athena follows Starbuck as his wingman. Starbuck allows Athena to follow but tells her "for saken sake, don't shoot me". The Cylons warn the outpost and they launch fighters to intercept. The new warriors engage the Cylons to help Apollo after Apollo tells thme not to. The new warriors succesfully thrwart off the Cylons while Apollo successfuly destroys the listening post. With the mission a success the medical shuttle lands and finds the source of the infection.
  • Adama orders the fleet to probe speed, Tigh can't beleive they are going into the void. Adama tells him they have no choice since the outpost has now alerted other Cylons.
  • Lucifer reports to Baltar on the destruction of the outpost and Baltar is confused since there is nothing of value on the post to begin with. Lucifer reports on the erratic flight patterns of the Colonial Warriors. Baltar warns Lucifer not to fence with him, he then orders Lucifer to capture one of the patrol ships.

End of Part One.


  • Apollo asks Serina if she knows how many shuttle pilots were lost on Carillon. She replies many civilians were lost too. The implications are the number civilians and Colonial Warriors killed when the planet was destroyed may have been high. An exact figure is never stated.


  • Overall this is a good beginning to the series. It gives some background information on the Colonists regligon when Adama reads about Kobol and the black void and ties the pilot movie by mentioning the battle of Carillon a couple of times and Baltar's new role in the series.


  • Adama's age is given to be around 130 years old in this episode. When talking to Serena about what a catch she'd be he mentions that if he were a 100 yahrnes younger...
  • The scene with Baltar and Imperious Leader is altered somehwhat from the epilouge in the pilot episode. In the original Epilouge the Imperious Leader had mentioned how The Cylons were onimipitant and wanted to extend the hand of peace. In the scene during this episode it is shortened to have Baltar just go in search of the humans.
  • In the original movie Baltar was indeed be-headed in front of the Imperious leader but the scene was altered when it was realized that the series was being picked-up so the producers wanted John Colicos to return as Baltar so they re-edited the scene in the pilot to have Baltar removed and added the Epilouge and then altered the scene further in this episode.
  • On the deleted scene in the DVD box set there is a scene with Serina piloting a shuttle and making her first landing. There is dialouge in the aired episode from Boomer to Jolly about this landing.
  • Several of the female warriors would again be shown in future episodes during battle scenes. Brie would return in "War of The Gods" when her and Greenbean are captured by The Ship of Lights.
  • The character of Serena was originally to be given a larger role in the series. In the pilot there were scenes shot where she met with a doctor and her illness was dis-closed, some sort of radiation/cancer like ailement due to the bombing runs by The Cylons on Caprica. This was to have played out during the series run, but when Jane Seymour elected not to return for the entire series her character was killed off.
  • During the preview of the episode there is a scene showing Starbuck instructing the female warriors but this scene is not included in the episode as aired or on the deleted scenes on the DVD.
  • It is explained that the brown jumpsuits worn underneath the warriors uniforms help in counteracting the G-Forces endured when flying a Viper.
  • There was a scene shot in The Life Centre with Cassipoea and Apollo explaining Cassiopea's character changing from a Socialator to Med Tech. She mentions to Apollo that one good thing came out of the destruction of the colonies people were given a chance to start anew.
  • The opening prolouge is changed from that of the feature film/pilot. Gone is the mention of the lost civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis. The dialouge is shortned and the end tag is changed to "who even now fight to survive, somehwere beyond the heavens"

Noteworthy Dialogue

Serina: Your sister's a pilot and a warrior.

Apollo: She's my sister, not my wife to be.

Official Statements


Guest Stars

  • Jane Seymour as Serina

Writing & Direction

Production Notes

  • Series 1 (1978 / 1979)
  • Production Number: 104
  • Airdate Order: 2 (of 21)

First Run Air Dates & Releases

  • UK Airdate: Date
  • US Airdate: September 24, 1978
  • DVD Release: December 28, 2004