Tylium refinery?[edit]
Note to self - investigate whether this ship is actually identified as a tyllium refinery. --April Arcus 16:17, 9 May 2006 (CDT)
- Note to April: The miniseries dialog infers that it is a tanker moreso than a refinery ship. If refinery ships also hold fuel, then this qualifies. Else... --Spencerian 16:28, 9 May 2006 (CDT)
- "There are a lot of thirsty ships waiting to make your friend's acquaintance." is a fair approximation of Lee's comment to Boomer. This implies Gemini carries fuel. I think deciding tanker versus refiner is beyond the scope of the available information, unless someone else knows of a further reference. --CalculatinAvatar 22:23, 9 May 2006 (CDT)
- Okay, here's what I've got:
- First, Apollo says: "Message from Lt. Valerii. She's found a fuel refinery ship. Filled with tylium."
- Then, Boomer's raptor arrives, with a fuel refinery of the same class as the Daru Mozu and the unnamed tanker from "Home, Part I".
- Then, we cut to the Gemini (its name clearly visible on screen), which is very visibly not the same ship that just arrived. As such, I am removing references to Gemini as a fuel tanker - the ship that arrived with Boomer was simply not named. --April Arcus 22:36, 9 May 2006 (CDT)
The Gemini isn't the tanker. It's because a screenshot shows the freighter with the Mark VII Vipers flying with it when the Raider jumped.--CoreyDanian 10.45, 3 October 2006 (CDT)
I removed the reference to FTL capability, pending confirmation. The ship was seen among Roslin's mixed FTL and non-FTL fleet, before its jump to Ragnar stranded all the non-FTL capable ships, and it is not seen jumping itself. Are there are any sightings of this ship after that event? --April Arcus 22:44, 9 May 2006 (CDT)
It is there, jumping beside the Botanical Cruiser. And it appears in several shots of the fleet in the series. Along with its counterpart.--CoreyDanian 10:47, 3 October 2006