Talk:Viper Mark II/Archive 1

Discussion page of Viper Mark II/Archive 1


It seems to me that the engine type should be a hybrid of rocket and jet engine. Rockets use a mix of two internal fuels, an actual propellant and an oxidizer. It appears maybe, to save fuel the Vipers' powerplants have intakes to grab oxidizer from the atmosphere when necessary. What's everyone else's opinion? - Panther 20:59, 17 August 2006 (CDT)

Well one of the Goals of the series is to not really worry about how the ships run. --The Merovingian (C - E) 21:05, 17 August 2006 (CDT)
No shit, eh? ;) Still one of the joys of being a sci-fi fan is to speculate on the tech. I gotta wonder though are those fans on the sides inside the engine nacelles intake fans? That would make it a jet. :D Panther 03:35, 18 August 2006 (CDT)
I agree with you completely, Panther. My joy is to make articles such as Computers to glean what we do know. The intakes, as we should properly guess, is a holdback from the original TOS Viper design. It just looks like a jet fighter. I do believe your idea of getting oxidizers whenever possible helps, although we know as well that it's more likely to maintain status quo on the excessive fuel use inside an atmosphere. In space, they may or may not need a real oxidizer, but then, that's the magic of tylium. We don't know WHAT the hell it really needs. :) --Spencerian 15:43, 18 August 2006 (CDT)