Helena Cain

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Admiral Nelena Cain was the commander of the Mercury-class battlestar, Pegasus. At the time of the Cylon attack, her battlestar was stationed at the Scorpion Ship Yards for repair and shore leave. As the Cylons attacked, Cain ordered a blind FTL jump, gambling that the result of such a impromptu (and inadvisable) act would be better than the alternative. Somehow, she rescued survivors from the ship yards, including a Humano-Cylon named Gina. Gina summarily caused the death of 800 persons under her command when she informed the Cylons of their survival. Thwarting that, Cain lead them away from the Colonies, following a fleet that had been trailing the Galactica.

Upon meeting up with Commander William Adama's fleet, she assumed command and transferred personnel from the Galactica to the Pegasus, including Lee Adama and Kara Thrace.

After the suspect terminal assault of one of her crew members, one Lieutenant Thorne, she arrested Galen Tyrol and Karl C. Agathon and summarily had them court martialed, much to Adama's chagrin. (Pegasus)


Nelena Cain is inspired by the character of Commander Cain from the original Battlestar Galactica, who had been played by the now deceased Lloyd Bridges. Her character will be played by Michelle Forbes.