Cylon Models

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Template:Cylons Series

Centurion Model 0005

Main article: Cylon Centurion Model 0005

The Centurion Model 0005, glimpsed briefly in two scenes of the Miniseries was apparently the latest Cylon model to have been extensively documented by Colonial authorities after the Cylon War. It is a primitive model, resembling a short, clumsy humanoid with a single red eye - or as some of the Colonials contemptuously referred to them, "chrome toasters". According to Saul Tigh in a deleted scene from the episode "Resistance", they had a distinctive "stink" of machine oil.

These models were apparently the instigators of the Cylon Rebellion, or their immediate descendants. They fought in all the major engagements of the Cylon War, including the boardings of Brenik and Galactica. A painting by Monclair depicts a massive melee between early-model Cylons and joint Aerelon-Caprican ground forces.

They were apparently far from emotionless — in the above-mentioned scene, Tigh recollects their vicious tactics in hand-to-hand combat: "The first one was Duncan Raverty. I found him in the corridor. His guts were stren around on the floor. Y'know, at first I couldn't figure out why the Cylons would bother doing something like that... You had to look into their red eye-slit. They hated us. They hated us so much it wasn't enough just to kill us."

This model was included in the miniseries primarily as an homage to the original series. Within the context of the re-imagined series, it is a 40-year old model and likely obsolete. Although remarks by Number in the miniseries state that "those [walking chrome toaster] models are still around. They have their purpose," it is most likely that she is referring to the later-model Centurions, which seem to have replaced them entirely.


  • Centurion - Presumably an upgraded Model 0005, with greater physical capabilities and projectile weapons built into the forearms.
  • Humano-Cylon - The series has established there are 12 models of Humano-Cylons. There are currently six known models. They appear to be almost entirely human in physiology, with a few exceptions: their vaguely-alluded-to Silica Pathways, which enable their consciousnesses to be downloaded into Cylon computer systems upon their death, their difficulties with sexual reproduction, and their bodies' ability to connect to computer systems by creating a fiber-optic link through a painful insertion of a fiber-optic cable into their forearm (Flight of the Phoenix).
