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This article covers the various depictions of Athena from the tie-in novelizations, comic books, and other media.
While given short thrift in the TOS, Athena has fared better in various continuities from comics to novelizations to fan fiction. Many of these have her continuing to battle Cassiopeia over Starbuck, but in virtually all of them Cassiopeia ultimately wins in the end.
Berkley Novelizations
- In the novelization of Saga of a Star World, Athena is a blonde while Cassioepeia is a brunette.
- In the casino, when Cassiopeia storms away from Starbuck, Athena angrily hands him the room key and leaves as well. Later, Athena regrets not having stayed with Starbuck. She believes she could have made him forget about Cassiopeia
- In one of the subsequent books, it is said that Athena realizes that her brother Apollo is her father's favorite, and she accepts her role on the bridge partly because it's hard enough for her father to deal with Apollo's life being constantly in danger.