Talk:Wedge-shaped vessel/Archive 1

Discussion page of Wedge-shaped vessel/Archive 1
Revision as of 20:15, 9 November 2006 by Mustah (talk | contribs) (→‎Defender?)


While it can't be questioned that the ship pictured was on the screen, are there any canonical sources as to the name/role/etc. of that ship? The link to a list of almost entirely non-canonical, fan-made ship designs doesn't really help the case for this ship. As it stands it's one of many ships that has appeared on screen but has no real name, description, or purpose that has been detailed either onscreen or by other canonical sources. --Steelviper 10:23, 9 November 2006 (CST)

The article needs to be reworded obviously, but it could be salvaged. The ship does exist and can be documented with a screenshot. Then a note can clearly explain that the name and its possible military origin (likely retrofitted for civilian use tho) is fan-derived. --Serenity 10:35, 9 November 2006 (CST)
Aside from the screenshot, everything else seems to be fanon, which needs to be spaced. Also, it would probalby be better to document this ship under The Fleet (RDM) article. -- Joe Beaudoin So say we all - Donate 10:52, 9 November 2006 (CST)
I would rather call it something else just to remove its connection from fandom. The similarities of the ship on the website and the screenshot are nice, but the screenshot does not make the fan's rendering or its description canonical. If the ship was inspired by it, we can give it credit once we confirm that source, but the fan's description goes against the storyline: Galactica is the ONLY military ship left of the original Colonial Fleet; nothing else is left for defense. I would rather add it to The Fleet article with a reference footnote to the web site nothing the similarity. Otherwise we get into intellectual property and copyright issues as well as fan fiction problems. --Spencerian 12:05, 9 November 2006 (CST)
It works if you assume that it was a former military ship that was decomissioned and retrofitted for civilian use (like stripped of all weapons and dedictated military technology). And the design does look vaguely military. --Serenity 12:16, 9 November 2006 (CST)

Noted Changes from the Original Series The basic story is still present: robotic Cylons surprisingly attack the Colonies resulting in a holocaust, thus forcing a "rag-tag, fugitive fleet" to coalesce around the last surviving battlestar, Galactica, to seek a mythical 13th Colony where refugees hope to find shelter from the Cylons. battlestars needs some kind of military support ship,last surviving battlestar is galactica.But galactica is not only military ship in the fleet.--User:mustah