The Rising Star was one of the many civilian ships of battlestar Galactica's rag-tag fugitive fleet.
- During the pre-war days The Rising Star was a well known Luxury Liner that traversed the corridors of The Colonies and outlying regions. Many people came aboard her for leisure activities and vacations.
- After the fleet was settled, Commander Adama opened the dining level on the Rising Star to help boost morale among the survivors and give them an evening to look forward too. So popular was this idea that the waiting list was at least a yahren long (The Long Patrol).
- Flight Sergeant Ortega was in charge of getting women and children aboard The Rising Star during the Exodus on Caprica (Murder on the Rising Star).
- The Rising Star had several levels. Including a gambling chancelory, guest rooms, dining level and recreation level where colonist could watch Triad competitions (Murder on the Rising Star).