Ship alerts on Battlestar Galactica are known as action stations. These alerts are given to prepare Colonial Battlestar crews for battle. The alerts are typically by voice as well as by a klaxon siren in the following format:
"Action stations, action stations. Set condtion one throughout the ship."
The two states of readiness are:
Condition Two: This alert warns the crews of possible internal conflict, such as an intruder, boarding, or system malfunction that may interfere with ship operations or safety. The ship's marines are readied in the event of boarding. Bulkheads may be closed to prevent intruder movement.
Condition One: This alert places the ship at its highest state of readiness. Bulkhead doors are closed in case of decompression. Additional Vipers are scrambled to supplement the Combat Air Patrol and flight crews man their stations. The CIC is locked down and the ship's Commander is on station.
Condition One and Two are similar to the famous "Red Alert" and "Yellow Alert" used throughout the Star Trek television series.