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Talk:Resistance (episode)/Archive 1

Discussion page of Resistance (episode)/Archive 1

You know, we already know a lot about the Colonial Fleet (obviously). I'm personally hoping that RDM might use this episode to go into the Colonial Army (which seems the obvious nucleus of any resistance forces). But then again, that's just me. Kuralyov 22:44, 21 Apr 2005 (EDT)

Posible Spoiler

Does anyone think that maybe a less spoiling picture should be used to sumarise thie article? --Sith Penguin Lord 16:12, 16 April 2007 (CDT)

Boomer Death

Additional sources have said that it is the Galactica Boomer, not the Caprica one, that dies. link Kuralyov 20:45, 28 Apr 2005 (EDT)

You know, I get that feeling that Grace Park still has a lot of life (lives?:) left in her with this show. Let's hope, somehow, that Boomer's humanity reveals itself one more time in the process of saving a former crewmate as she bites the Big One. Her psyche, however manufactured, is tortured, and I think she'd prefer to die as a human, not as a Cylon. Spencerian 17:51, 4 Aug 2005 (EDT)

Kent State Shootings?

How could you possibly compare the shooting over coffee of 4 people to the shooting of 4 students at Kent State for protesting the Vietnam War? Aside from the fact that 4 people died in both, the reason they happened isn't in ANY WAY THE SAME. Did they mention this in the podcast or something? If you cannot cite a source, this should be removed.

At the same time, I'm a little iffy on the whole Jack Ruby parallel, but I'll let it stay as it isn't as glaringly wrong.

RDM mentions both in the podcast. Listen carefully. --Peter Farago 01:53, 11 Aug 2005 (EDT)
Frak! Peter beat me to it... :-) It's not my comparison. It is Toni Graphia's (the writer for this episode). Here the link: The Great Link. (This is where the first mention came up.)
Also, it is a situation similar to the Kent State shootings -- as well as the Boston "Massacre". It's really a combination of both. Whether it is liked or not, Battlestar is allegory for our times (as well as an introspective to what happened in history). It does, in my humble opinion, what Star Trek has failed to do since The Next Generation aired.
BTW, you could have simply used Google to research and verify the claim -- the link I provided came up on the search as well. Just FYI. :-) As for the Jack Ruby parallel, I believe it to be quite valid. Remember, there are many references to current (or historic) times. Heck, see the Talk:Cami page for an example of a parallel to American politics that was overlooked. Who would have thought? -- Joe Beaudoin 02:01, 11 Aug 2005 (EDT)

8 Sleepers

Can that number really be trusted? Isn't it more likley Boomer just gave a random number to save the chief, not knowing the real one? For the number 8 to be correct one has to believe two things:

  • Baltar is correct when he says the sleeper in Boomer knows. How should Baltar suddenly know that which such certainty? And why does the sleeper know? There is no need to know that information, but good reasons not to know it, so that information can not be taken from captured agent. Also Caprica Boomer is not seen providing information about the sleepers in later episodes, she apparently doesn't know. If she isn't holding back (and why should she?) she is not even able to describe what at least one of the still unknown models look like.
  • Boomer's human side can suddenly tap her sleepers information. After not even remembering shooting Adama or any other of her sleepers actions it's quite hard to believe she can suddenly extract a specific information from it.

Unless there is another source confirming the information one should not rely on it. Nevfennas 13:35, 27 April 2006 (CDT)

We already covered this in the analysis: it is consistent with the fact that we've only seen 4 by the time of this episode, so logically there would be 8 more in terms of plot mechanics. I mean, you think there's three more Number Six's out there? Not really. --The Merovingian (C - E) 15:20, 27 April 2006 (CDT)
Oops, how did I manage to overlook the analysis part? Thanks for pointing it out. Nevfennas 16:41, 27 April 2006 (CDT)
I'm not sure that analysis makes perfect sense, but I don't want to argue with it. For reference, we currently know the identity of three of those eight:
  • Shelly Godfrey
  • D'Anna Biers
  • Brother Cavil
Presumably, Cavil was spaced, Godfrey is still somewhere in the fleet, and apparently Biers wasn't exposed by Anders during their year on New Caprica, since she pops back up in 301. Perhaps not coincidentally, there are also five cylon models we have yet to meet. --Peter Farago 16:59, 27 April 2006 (CDT)