Gemenon Liner 1701

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Gemenon Liner 1701 (credit: Zoic Studios ©Universal)

Gemenon Liner 1701 is one of the first ships to join the Fleet growing around Colonial One in the midst of the Fall of the Twelve Colonies. Its name is given in dialogue by the captain of Colonial One as he greets it (Miniseries).


The disabled Gemenon Liner 1701 in the Miniseries

During an exterior shot just prior to this scene, Colonial One can be seen in formation with an Intersun Passenger Cruiser and the Flattop, as a third craft of the same configuration as Gemenon Traveler and Kimba Huta approaches.

Because their colonies of origin and configurations apparently coincide, it might be speculated that "Gemenon Liner 1701" was the call-sign of Gemenon Traveler before the destruction of the twelve colonies.

The number '1701' is a reference to the registry number of the various starships Enterprise featured in Star Trek and Star Trek: The Next Generation.