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Welcome to Battlestar Wiki![edit]

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Ok hope I'm doing this right.

Well most of you have alredy notesed that they use the greek gods names and the astrological signs in BSG (the new one). Well ive figured out how they they name things in bsg, I think.

1) Astrological Signs--These are used to name planets

2) Generaly Good Greek Gods--These are used as the colonial pilot's call sign (well the important ones at least)

3) Roman Gods--These go to the classes of the colonial ships

4) Dark Greak Gods and Titens--the diferent cylon classes of ships

Well thats about all Ive got. i havent looked too deep into this, I just happend to see a pattern. Oh and one more thing, the name CYLON is Greek and well.... I'll just copy and past the myth below.

CYLON (KuAcof ), an Athenian of noble family and commanding presence, won the prize for the double course (SiauAos) at the Olympic games, in b. c. 640, and married the daughter of Theagenes, tyrant of Megara. Excited apparently and en­ couraged by these advantages, and especially by his powerful alliance, he conceived the design of making himself tyrant of Athens, and having con­ sulted the Delphic oracle on the subject, was enjoined to seize the Acropolis at the principal festival of Zeus. Imagining that this must refer, not to the Athenian Aidcria (see Diet, of Ant. p. 333), but to the Olympic games, at which he had so distinguished himself, he made the attempt during the celebration of the latter, and gained possession of the citadel with his partizans, who were very numerous. Here, however, they were closely besieged, the operations against them being conducted, according to Thucydides, by the nine archons; according to Herodotus, by the Prytanes of the Naucrari. (See Diet, of Ant. p. 633 ; Arnold's Thucydides, vol. i. Append, iii. p. 664.) At length, pressed by famine, they were driven to take refuge at the altar of Athena, whence they were induced to withdraw by the arch on Megacles, the Alcmaeonid, on a promise that their lives should be spared. But their enemies put them to death as soon as they had them in their power, some of them being murdered even at the altar of the Eumenides. Plutarch relates besides that the suppliants, by way of keeping themselves under the protection of Athena, fastened a line to her statue and held it as they passed, from her shrine. When they had reached the temple of the Eumenides the line broke, and Megacles and his colleagues seized on the accident as a proof that the goddess had rejected their supplication, and that they might therefore be massacred in full accordance with religion. Thucydides and the Scholiast on Aristophanes (Eq. 443) tell us, that Cylon himself escaped with his brother before the surrender of his adherents. According to Suidas, he was dragged from the altar of the Eumenides, where he had taken refuge, and was murdered. Herodotus also implies that he was slain with the rest. His party is said by Plutarch to have re­ covered their strength after his death, and to have continued the straggle with the Alcmaeonidae up to the time of Sol on. The date of Cylon's attempt is uncertain. Corsini gives, as a conjecture, B. c. 612; while Clinton, also conjecturally, assigns it to 620. (Herod, v. 71; Thucyd. i. 126 ; Suid. s.v. KuAcofeioy nyos ; Plut. Sol. 12 ; Paus. i. 28, 40, vii. 25.) [E. E.]

Website I found this at:

Well thats all for now —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Cclark777 (talk • contribs).