This template creates a link to a comic for inline citations, for instance:
- {{comics|1880|1}} creates Steampunk Battlestar Galactica 1880 #1
- {{comics|bsgvsbsg|1}} creates Battlestar Galactica vs. Battlestar Galactica #1
- {{comics|cw|1}} creates Battlestar Galactica: Cylon War #1
- {{comics|origins|1}} creates Battlestar Galactica: Origins #1
- {{comics|starbuck|1}} creates Battlestar Galactica: Starbuck #1
- {{comics|vol3|1}} creates Classic Battlestar Galactica Vol. 3 #1
This template can also be used to shorten a link down to the issue number itself, when citing multiple comics within the same series, e.g.:
- {{comics|starbuck|1|short=y}} creates #1
It can also print out the comic title without being linked, and also strips italics (they can be added on around the template call, of course):
- {{comics|starbuck|1|nolink=y}} creates Battlestar Galactica: Starbuck 1
- ''{{comics|starbuck|1|nolink=y}}'' creates Battlestar Galactica: Starbuck 1
- {{comics|starbuck|1|nolink=y|template=y}} creates Battlestar Galactica: Starbuck 1|Battlestar Galactica: Starbuck #1[1]
- {{comics|starbuck|1|short=y|nolink=y}} creates #1[2]
It can also be used to link to the proper comic issue, but with custom text to be hyperlinked.
- {{comics|vol3|1|In the Beginning}} creates In the Beginning
The parameters switch for this template may be found here.
Marvel Comics
For Marvel comics, the usage will print out slightly differently, and titles must be called out by their issue number.
e.g. Collision Course! (issue 13) would be called thusly:
And thus would print:
It is important that the "marvel" call be entirely lowercase.
Parameters switch for the Marvel list may be found here.