Doctor Amorak was an associate of Gaius Baltar at the Colonial Ministry of Defence. He apparently survived the Cylon attack on the Twelve Colonies, escaping aboard the liner Olympic Carrier, itself destroyed on the order of President Roslin when the ship appeared to have fallen into Cylon hands ("33").
Amorak was alleged to possess information pertaining to the betrayal of humanity. He sent a request to Colonial One to meet with Roslin to convey this information; however, before the meeting could take place, the Olympic Carrier failed to execute an FTL jump with the rest of the fleet. When the liner did eventually make the jump and return to the fleet, some three hours later, it had been infiltrated by the Cylons, who placed a nuclear weapon aboard the Intersun starliner. It attempted to run an interdiction quarantine being held by Galatica's CAP, pressumably to try and destroy Galactica and her Fleet, prompting her destruction and pressumably killing Dr. Amorak. ("33").
Later, a corporeal version of Number Six calling itself "Shelly Godfrey" arrived aboard the Galactica, claiming to be an assistant of the late Dr. Amorak. She presented evidence of Baltar's complicity in the Cylon attack, but the evidence turned out to be fabricated ("Six Degrees of Separation").
At no time is it clear whether or not Amorak was aboard the Olympic Carrier, or whether the use of his name in these events was merely a Cylon ploy to further manipulate Baltar, drawing him further into their influence.