Talk:The Fleet (TRS)/Archive 1

Discussion page of The Fleet (TRS)/Archive 1

I think we should add Galactica, and Pegaus in the fleet's listings.--QX100 7:59, 1 Oct 2005 (EST)

Astral Queen

I thought the Astral Queen, from the New series, had 900 prisoners. Does anyone have a mini-series transcript? That's where the ship is first mentioned. -- Neochiiz3000 12:07, 11 Jul 2005 (EST)
Billy Keikeya - "Uh, the captain of the Astral Queen wants to you to know he's got nearly 500 convicted criminals under heavy guard in his cargo hold. They were being transported to a penal station when the attack happened." -- YeNguyen 13:09, 11 Jul 2005 (EST)
I thought so... I was only off by about 400. Better than a full thousand, though. -- Neochiiz3000 13:39, 11 Jul 2005 (EST)
It's 1,500 -- though in the mini-series Billy said 500. (Again, his trademark "crappy math" at work.) See: Bastille Day#Notes. -- Joe Beaudoin 13:40, 11 Jul 2005 (EDT)
I wouldn't want BIlly as my secretary. I know that much :P -- YeNguyen 14:18, 11 Jul 2005 (EST)

Celestra in New BSG

Isn't there a Celestra in the new series, too? I thought I had read that somewhere (or maybe it was that one of the new ships was based on the Celestra design). Kuralyov 13:57, 11 Jul 2005 (EDT)
It's listed on the Sci Fi Channel's BSG page. Though as to whether or not it is canon has yet to be determined. -- Joe Beaudoin 14:17, 11 Jul 2005 (EDT)

Size of the Fleet

"Saul Tigh's assertion in 'The Farm' that the twenty four ships which departed with the Laura Roslin faction during her insurrection represented 'almost a third of the fleet' imply that the number of ships in the Fleet is approximately in the mid-70's."

Could it be that Tigh was referring to the population of the fleet instead of the number of ships? Passenger and crew numbers vary considerably from ship to ship, but Tigh may have done more accurate math on the ones that had jumped earlier, then did a quick--but dependable--estimate when the last batch jumped.

No, because he wasn't looking at a readout of WHICH ships had left; all he heard was "24 ships have left" with no names, so he couldn't be basing it on population, it had to be ship number; of course the problem presented is what if he was rounding down? --Ricimer 21:47, 30 October 2005 (EST)
Yeah, and then there's context, too--if somebody's looking at/listening to information about ships, they would probably frame their immediate response to the information in terms of ships, too. Rounding down would be the only way for the writers to explain their way out of the inconsistency. That, or the Colonel's been taking math lessons from Billy. . . . --BlueResistance 22:07, 30 October 2005 (EST)
From The Farm, we know that 24 ships was "almost a third of the fleet" - Tigh has no rason to underexagerate this. From Home, Part I, we know that the number of people in those 24 ships was actually a little over a third of the fleet's population. --Peter Farago 09:39, 31 October 2005 (EST)