What would a SciFi show be without the cool toys? What about comics? Battlestar Galactica has no shortage of these items. Just like Star Trek the market place has been booming with Original Series and Re-imagined Series items. Comics — the home to usually "Hero" based story lines — have also been extraordinary on the number of comics in production. Books — another favorite of the Star Trek and Star Wars universe — has it's own brand of flavoring dealing with both the Galactica 1980 series and the Original Series. Battlestar Galactica did have its own magazine "series", however it has since been cancelled. Articles and news about Battlestar Galactica still play an important part in "inside information" and the Cast and Crew still provide details about the show through interviews. So if you're into Cain or Starbuck (left), you just might want to take a look around to see what you can get your hands on.