
This user is away
Name Matt Williams
Date of birth
Age 26
Location KC,MO
Timezone {{{timezone}}}
Gmail/GTalk steelviper
ICQ {{{icq}}}
Twitter {{{twitter}}}
Marital Status Married
Star of Kobol
Steelviper is a Chief
Steelviper is a Senior Chief
Steelviper supported the 2007 WGA strike.

Periodically Updated Thought

"Straight to hell - that's where I sent'em" -- Urge, "Straight to Hell"

It seemed like a good idea at the time.

Battestarwiki Projects

TOS Improvement Project

Priorities (in no particular order):

  • TOS Character histories
  • Episode Guides
    • Basically done with the summaries, now we need to fill in questions, analysis, quotes, and notes.

Podcast Transcripts

I finally caved and added this to my list. I always felt that my transcription was too slow, and preferred verifying, but I've been doing some transcription lately.

Development Pages

Experimental pages or pages in development that aren't ready for the main namespaces (yet).

Future Projects

  • TOS nitpicks - a neat link I found looking for Red Squadron info.

Plans Within Plans

Savage 93 + 2 X Weaver bases + Burris rings + Mueller APV + Custom Stock (eventually) = Gurth-Telechý

Steelviper's Thoughts

Pages in my userspace where I reflect on wiki or BSG stuff.

Kansas City Corporate Challenge

  • 2.5 Mile Bike Race: 7:25.12
  • 5k: 24:53
  • Volleyball: 1-3
  • Soccer: 0-2 (scored 1 goal)
  • 400: 0:59.537 (7th place for 2 division points)
  • Mile: 6:26.125 (8th place for a division point!)
  • 800: 2:29.669 (5th place in division A for 4 division points)
  • Duathlon: 1:28:58 (6th place in division A for 3 division points)
  • Flag Football: 2-2 7th place (2 ints, 1 extra point, and a broken pinky finger)

Origin of Nickname

"A truly fearsome beast, the great viper of Arcadia possesses strength and tenacity unmatched by any other predator on that world. It coils around its prey in a crushing embrace, then finishes its kill with a deadly poison. The warriors of the Clan I name Steel Viper show remarkable tenacity in battle and in their service to our great mission. May they continue to serve with unshakable faith, and may their opponents learn to fear the fangs of the Steel Vipers."
-- From Birth of a New Society: The Collected Writings of Nicholas Kerensky, Strana Mechty Press, 3025

Known Aliases

Around here you may see me referred to as "Steel" or "SV".

BSG-related Boards
Site Role (if any)
Battlestar Central Technical Advisor
GalacticaBS Artist
Official Scifi Boards "Stranger"
Mortal Storm Major/Wiki-helper

At GalacticaBS (and now at the Mortal Storm board) I'm known as "WikiViper" due to the abundance of Vipers there, and the fact that "Steel" and "SV" are both already taken.

Non-BSG Boards
Other Wikis
GalCiv Wiki
Mortal Storm Wiki
"Big W"