Talk:Season 1 DVD/Archive 1

Discussion page of Season 1 DVD/Archive 1

Opening Credits

I believe the Region 1 and 2 versions have different opening credits. What is the difference and are they available on the internet for comparison? --Grafix 08:20, 6 April 2006 (CDT)

If I'm not mistaken, doesn't the Region 2 DVD use the UK theme music (same as the Season 2 music) as opposed to the regular US music? --Talos 11:47, 6 April 2006 (CDT)
That's about it. US theme is a reuse of the "Two Funerals" tack from Season 1, which I actually thought was better than the UK theme song (which I think sounds too upbeat, even though it's supposed to be mournful) because "Two Funerals" sounds like military taps, playing like funeral music for the Fall of the Twelve Colonies seen in the openning credits. Sounds bleaker, which is good, for a bleak, dark-concept show. --The Merovingian (C - E) 14:50, 6 April 2006 (CDT)
For clarification, do you know the title of the UK theme song? I can't remember for the life of me what our theme song sounds like --Madbrood 13:28, 13 September 2006 (CDT)
It's track # 30 on the first season soundtrack. It's just called "Main Title". -- Joe Beaudoin So say we all - Donate 13:31, 13 September 2006 (CDT)
Yeah, it really has no name. But it's the hindu Gayatri mantra sung in the original Sanskrit --Serenity 13:35, 13 September 2006 (CDT)