Conversations in the period of 29 Aug 2005 to 15 Feb 2006 have been archived.
Deletion Log Entry
Hooray! A search of the deletion log for user Day returns:
- 16:18, 16 February 2006 Day deleted "Image:Litmus2.jpg" (Redundant image.)
It has begun! Still no entries in the block log yet, but Spence and I don't either. Probably because of our intimidation factor. (Or maybe because I was sleeping on the job while Peter or Joe was actually looking after the place.) Congrats on the first delete! (And many more...) --Steelviper 19:35, 16 February 2006 (EST)
- Block log? Man... Does this admin bit come with a fraking manual? "Of course not. That would be too logical." *wink* --Day 23:56, 17 February 2006 (EST)
Just wanted to say Congratulations on your engagement. Best wishes! -- Laineylain 11:47, 14 March 2006 (CST)
- Thanks much. We're, perhaps obviously, pretty excited about it. --Day 14:05, 15 March 2006 (CST)
- Just saw the announcement of your engagement and I too wanted to congratulate you. --Zareck Rocks 14:23, 15 March 2006 (CST)
- Same here, congratulations. --Talos 15:47, 15 March 2006 (CST)
- Just saw the announcement of your engagement and I too wanted to congratulate you. --Zareck Rocks 14:23, 15 March 2006 (CST)
You desillifier :P
Party pooper. I thought that caption brought much levity to the article. :P
Bleh, I knew it wouldn't last. :)--Kross 14:29, 14 March 2006 (CST)
- We like to keep levity pretty segregated from the rest of the wiki. --Day 14:05, 15 March 2006 (CST)
All your fault
Dang you, Day.. all day I've been pondering a new game.. Battlestar Marathon. All your fault... All of it. --Durandal
- Heh. A Marine-based Mod? Or maybe the Resistance? Heh. --Day 14:03, 15 March 2006 (CST)
- Reskin the Pfhor/S'pht to be centurions (oldschool and newschool, respectively), assimilated Bobs become Agents, maps of Galactica & assorted other vessiles/locales... All your fault, Day... all your fault... *goes to play in pfhorge* --Durandal 21:29, 15 March 2006 (CST)
Check GMail; I can't get it!
Now it works.. --Shane (T - C - E) 21:17, 19 March 2006 (CST)
Mistake on my part
I was moving a template and must have had the old version. --Shane (T - C - E) 02:47, 23 June 2006 (CDT)
Non-weapon guns
You know... like tasers, and bean bag rounds. Oh. Those are non-lethal (or less-lethal) weapons. Hmmm. Squirt guns, or cap guns/starter guns would be example of non-weapon guns. Though, I doubt Raiders are equipped with cap guns (as the odds of them getting caught up in a pickup game of cops and robbers or cowboys and indians out in space is probably pretty poor). --Steelviper 07:34, 7 July 2006 (CDT)
Sindar translation
I recalled that you have some experience with the Sindar language. I was trying to come up with a translation, but was falling short. I'm looking to have a name (for a rifle) that means "Prairie dog killer". Dog is easy (hû), killer might easily be circumlocuted to death (gûr n., gurth n., guruth n., guruthos n., gwanath n., gwanu n.), but prarie has me stumped. I tried plains, meadow (from the latin roots) and finally found grassland (grassland nan n., parth n). But... how does it all string together (correctly)? nanhûgurth? --Steelviper 10:12, 12 July 2006 (CDT)
- For plains you should use "Talath", noun, Sindarin for "plain". -lad (as in "Dagorlad") is a suffix and difficult to manipulate as such, but more importantly it means "plain/valley" while talath means plains proper. I'd have used the ending -crist (something like "Praire Dog Cleaver") but that's not appropriate for a rifle).----->"Gurth an yrch" means "Death to the Orcs" (from one of the History of Middle-earth supplement books), talath isn't a suffix, it's a stand alone word, while hû is a word root but not a full word; it would need a suffix linked to it (but "Hulad" would be kind of inaccurate, see above). Actually, "Huan" literally means simply "hound" (the an is just added to make it a complete word). ----->So a name for such a rifle, (not so much a name as a slogan, but hey guns can be named "Death from Above" or "Vae Victus", not just "Charlene"), would be "Gurth An Talath Huan" = "Death to the Plains (Praire) Hounds". --The Merovingian (C - E) 14:07, 12 July 2006 (CDT)
- That's great! Thanks, Merv! Talath fits "prairie" better than grassland. And you're right about the flexible naming. And I suppose it's pretty academic anyway as the intended targets can't read Tengwar and won't be close enough to read it if they could. However, good weapons do have names. "Cleaver" might actually work for a larger caliber rifle (but that might be a bit too gory of imagery for some). --Steelviper 14:21, 12 July 2006 (CDT)
- You also might consider a simple genetive relationship (i.e. your weapon is the "death of prariedogs"). In that case, you could let word order determine it, and shorten the name a bit. Assuming you guys did good vocab research (which is just to say I've not doulbe-checked you), you might do "Gurth Talath Huan". Or, following the example of some Elven names, you could make the phrase a name by hyphenation: Gurth-Talath-Huan. I'd be wary of just slamming the words together, though (this works sometimes, but only sometimes) as Gurthtalathhuan is... unwieldy. I wonder, though, if "Talath Huan" shouldn't have some kind of mutation to make it properly a compound word. I'll have to think on this. Similarly "huan" is singluar. I assume you want plural, which would be... maybe, "hyain"? That looks wrong to me. Bears further research. --Day (Talk - Admin) 14:58, 12 July 2006 (CDT)
- Okay. Done some research. I disagree with Merv that hû is not a word proper. I think it's simply a mono-syllable. Thus, the plural would be hŷ ("y" in this case not being the consonant we know in English, but the high, front, rounded vowel from Old English represented in the IPA by the same letter). I concur with talath being the best bet for "prarie" and gurth for "death".
- Also, turns out we should be looking at lentiion for our compound word. So if "prarie" + "dog" = "prariedog" then talath + hû = talath-chú (notice that "ch" in this case is not as in "church" but as in "Bach" with actual German pronunciation). If you wanted to get rid of the hyphen (as I have an inclination to do), I think your best bet would be to render it as talachú. That's a little more speculation than I'd be comfortable with if this were some kind of academic paper (which I've written on the subject), but for your purposes I think it is fine. The plural, then, of talachú would be telechý which is just full of sounds I love (IPA [x] and [y]).
- The circumflex over hû simply denotes vowel lenth (as in amount of time spent saying it) and in monosyllables, what would otherwise be a long vowel (twice normal duration) becomes even stronger (three times normal duration). The accent in talachú is the denotion of that doulbe-duration, as opposed to the tripple-duration mentioned above.
- In conclusion, I think you want Gurth-Telechý for "Death of Prariedogs" or, if you prefer the prepositional way Merv suggested, it could be Gurth a Thelechý for "Death to Prariedogs!" Now, one last note... If you wanted it to be "The Death of Prariedogs" (i.e. to translate the article as well), you'd want I 'Urth Telechý as the article, there, causes lenition, as well. Lemme know if you want links to some of the resources I trust/rely on. --Day (Talk - Admin) 15:33, 12 July 2006 (CDT)