At the beginning of the tale, Humanity is spread out over twelve planets, colonized after Humanity engaged in a mass exodus from the planet Kobol. Each of the colonized planets are designated with a naming scheme based on the twelve signs of the Zodiac, namely: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.
As of this writing (01/20/2005), only five of the colonies have been named and are listed below. (This statement may be erroneous. Please contribute if you know more.)
The Colonies
1. Caprica
2. Geminon
3. Tauron
4. Picon
5. Sagittaron
6. Unkown, based on Aries
7. Unkown, based on Cancer
8. Unkown, based on Leo
9. Unkown, based on Virgo
10. Unkown, based on Libra
11. Unkown, based on Scorpio
12. Unkown, based on Aquarius
The Thirteenth Colony
In addition to the Twelve Colonies, a rumoured thirteenth colony, known as Earth, exists. It is towards this planet, in which he does not even believe, that Adama now claims to lead Humanity's rag-tag Fleet.