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Revision as of 04:18, 15 September 2006 by Shane (talk | contribs)
[ Baltar to Lee Adama and William Adama in the inevitable demise of Pegasus. ]

Baltar: Well gentlemen there's only one escape pod left and I am the president... It's a lovely ship and I think you should go down with it.

Homage to Spaceballs

[ Tigh dressing down Starbuck ]
Tigh: Don't frak around with me, Starbuck. You're a hell of an instinctive pilot. Maybe too good. I'd like to bust your butt, but I can't. I got another problem here. I have to send somebody from this squadron to Picon. I've got to do something here. I-I still can't believe it...! I have to give you your dream shot. I gonna send you up against the best. You... are going to TOP GUN. For five weeks, you're going to fly against the best. You were number two. Cougar was number one. Cougar lost it; turned in his wings. You're number one. But you remember one thing: You frak up just this much, you'll be flying a cargo ship full of rubber dog $h!t out of Sagittaron!!!
Starbuck: Yes, Sir!
Tigh: Dismissed. You can tell me about Scar another time.

Homage to TOP GUN
  • Eureka Wiki - URL Not Active Yet
Current working on...
Shane's Biography
Shane's Workstation

I am from Long Island, NY. A recent graduate of Curry College in Decemeber 2005 with a double major in both Computers (Information Technology) and Politics and History. Though my interestes are in Computers and Politics, I decided to go into Law Enforcement. I currenlty reside in MA, but I am trying to find a temporary job in VA while my SSBI application and trainning is processed. I am a quick study and have the ability to memroize things in an instant. For Battlestar Galactica, SciFi is a natural thing for me to watch, so falling in love with the series was not much of a problem. I tend to work on this Wiki alot, working on the navigation, template namespace, and Battlestar Wiki namepsace. I am an avid Wiki user and I consider myself an expert. Just think of me as Galen Tyrol mixed with Gaius Baltar and the speed of Felix Gaeta. I will try to keep an updated list of what I am working on here in my User page to keep you updated with what I am curently working on. I have recently updated my Wikipedia page here. I am an admin of the Battlestar Wiki Media repository, Spanish, and German wikis.

Projects Currenly Pending to Working On

Other Wiki Projects

  • Bayblon 5 & Space 1999 - Help Joe with design



Battlestar Wiki

__ __ __


  • None..

To work on functioniality

Testing Area

Articles Currently Working On
Personal Requests
I am worked on Federal Bureau of Investigation page on Wikipedia heavily during my vacation, and I am really close to getting it to WP:FA Status, but I need someone to "copy-edit" the entire page. My eyes have seen the article to many times that I can't seem to "copy-edit" it anymore. Any help so this article can be bumped up to FA status would be great. Here is the WP:FA nomineation page and the current "problems" with it.
Wiki Designs
I am getting better at doing "Wiki" designs and customization so I am offering services to anyone who wants a custom Wiki skin, other than BSG, for their wiki. Get in-contact with me to discuss design ideas.

__ In R&D
__ Active Working
__ Needs Review
__ In Dispute
__ Needs Comments
__ Finshed

Quick Biography
This user is away
Name Shane
Date of birth
Age 24
Location Boston, MA
Country USA USA
Timezone {{{timezone}}}
Email {{{email}}}
Gmail/GTalk {{{gmail}}}
AIM {{{aim}}}
ICQ {{{icq}}}
Twitter {{{twitter}}}
Callsign ^BuGs^
Parents {{{parents}}}
Siblings {{{siblings}}}
Children {{{children}}}
Marital Status {{{marital status}}}
Occupation Federal Law Enforcment
Rank {{{rank}}}
Star of Kobol
Shane is a Chief
Shane is a Senior Chief
Shane supported the 2007 WGA strike.



Age 24
Colony Earth
Birth place {{{birthplace}}}
Birth Name Shane
Birth Date {{{birthdate}}}
Callsign "Chief"
Nickname {{{nickname}}}
Introduced [[{{{seen}}}]]
Death {{{death}}}
Parents {{{parents}}}
Siblings {{{siblings}}}
Children {{{children}}}
Marital Status {{{marital status}}}
Family Tree View
Role Wiki Code Master
Template Guru
BW Namesapce
Research & Development
Navigation Expert
Wiki Farm Grower
CSS/Design Expert
Rank Captain
Serial Number {{{serial}}}
Portrayed by Shane
Shane is a Cylon
Shane is a Final Five Cylon
Shane is a Human/Cylon Hybrid
Shane is an Original Series Cylon
Related Media
@ BW Media
Additional Information


Age 24
Colony Earth
Birth place {{{birthplace}}}
Birth Name Shane
Birth Date {{{birthdate}}}
Nickname {{{nickname}}}
Introduced [[{{{seen}}}]]
Death {{{death}}}
Parents {{{parents}}}
Siblings {{{siblings}}}
Children {{{children}}}
Marital Status {{{marital status}}}
Family Tree View
Role Ladies Man
Serial Number {{{serial}}}
Portrayed by Shane
Shane is a Cylon
Shane is a Final Five Cylon
Shane is a Human/Cylon Hybrid
Shane is an Original Series Cylon
Related Media
@ BW Media
Additional Information