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Soundtrack (Season 1)

From Battlestar Wiki, the free, open content Battlestar Galactica encyclopedia and episode guide
An album of the {{{series}}}
Album No. {{{albumno}}}
Composer(s) {{{composer}}}
Artist(s) {{{artist}}}
Producer(s) {{{producer}}}
Label {{{label}}}
Tracks {{{tracks}}}
Running Time {{{runtime}}}
Discs {{{discs}}}
Released {{{released}}}
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{{{prev}}} {{{title}}} {{{next}}}
CD Version
Available at AmazonPurchase
Download Version
Available at iTunes – [{{{itunes}}} Purchase]

For the Miniseries soundtrack, see Soundtrack (Miniseries).
For the soundtrack to Season Two, see Soundtrack (Season 2).

Track Listing[edit]

  1. Prologue (0:40)
  2. Main Title (US Version) (1:05)
  3. Helo Chase (1:31)
  4. The Olympic Carrier (5:48)
  5. Helo Rescued (1:01)
  6. A Good Lighter (1:55)
  7. The Thousandth Landing (3:08)
  8. Two Funerals (3:25)
  9. Starbuck Takes On All Eight (3:46)
  10. Forgiven (1:30)
  11. The Card Game (3:04)
  12. Starbuck On The Red Moon (2:00)
  13. Helo In The Warehouse (2:01)
  14. Baltar Speaks With Adama (1:54)
  15. Two Boomers (1:47)
  16. Battlestar Operatica (2:36)
  17. The Dinner Party (3:14)
  18. Battlestar Muzaktica (1:43)
  19. Baltar Panics (1:46)
  20. Boomer Flees (1:16)
  21. Flesh And Bone (4:06)
  22. Battle On The Asteroid (6:52)
  23. Wander My Friends (2:57)
  24. Passacaglia (5:15)
  25. Kobol's Last Gleaming (2:49)
  26. Destiny (4:44)
  27. The Shape Of Things To Come 2:55)
  28. Bloodshed (1:50)
  29. Re-Cap (0:36)
  30. Main Title (UK Version) (1:05)

Total running time 1:18:19

Lyrics and Translations[edit]

Composer Bear McCreary has given his permission to Battlestar Wiki to post the lyrics and translations for the Battlestar Galactica soundtracks. From the booklet accompanying the CD, the lyrics and translations for the musical tracks in the Season 1 CD are:

Wander My Friends[edit]

Lyrics (in Gaelic):

Siúlaigí a chairde, siúlaidh liom
Mar cheo an tsléibhe uaine ag
imeacht go deo
D'ainneoin ár dtuirse leanfam an tslí
Thar chnoic is thar ghleannta
go deireadh na scríbi

Seo libh a chairde is canaidh liom
Líonaigí'n oíche le greann is le spórt
Seo sláinte na gcarad atá imithe uainn
Mar cheo an tsléibhe uaine,
iad imithe go deo

English translation:

Wander my friends, wander with me
Like the mist on the green mountain, moving eternally
Despite our weariness
we'll follow the road
Over hilland and valleys
to the end of the journey

Come on my friends and sing with me
Fill the night with joy and sport
Here's a health to the friends who have gone from us
Like the mist of the green mountain,
gone forever

Battlestar Operatica[edit]

Lyrics (in Italian):

Maledetto sia tuo cuore Cylone
C'è una tostapane nella tua testa
E porta tachi a spillo

Numero Sei ti chiama
Il rivelatore Cylone impone
La tua ragazza è un tostapane
Maledetto sia tuo cuore Cylone
Ahimè, disgrazia! Ahimè, tristezza e miseria!

Il tostapane ha un bel vestito
Rosso come la sua spina dorsale ardente
sussura Numero Sei:
"Per tuo commando"

English translation:

Woe upon your Cylon heart
There's a toaster in your head
And it wears high heels

Number Six calls to you
The Cylon Detector beckons
Your girlfriend is a toaster

Woe upon your Cylon heart
Alas, disgrace! Alas, sadness and misery!

The toaster has a pretty dress
Red like it's glowing spine
Number Six whispers:
"By your command"

Kobol's Last Gleaming[edit]

Lyrics (in Latin):

Omnia illa et ante fiebant
omnia illa et rursus fient
Ita dicimus omnnes.

English translation:

All of this has happened before
And all of this will happen again
So say we all


Lyrics (in Latin:

Eventus cum paucis faverent
pugnam lacesserunt
in domo deorum

English translation:

Though the outcome favored the few
it led to a confrontation
At the Home of the Gods

Press Release[edit]

Reprinted with permission of CineMedia Promotions.




(May 16, 2005- New York, NY) – Considered one of the top 10 shows currently on TV by Time Magazine and TV Guide, Battlestar Galactica is the #1 show on the Sci Fi Channel. On June 21, La-La Land Records will release the Battlestar Galactica: Season One soundtrack, featuring more than 78 minutes of the best musical moments from season one of this highly acclaimed new series.

Battlestar Galactica: Season One contains both the US and UK main title themes as well as music composed by Bear McCreary for the series, which TV Guide declared “a breakaway hit…poised to replace Star Trek as TV’s definitive sci-fi series.” The CD packaging features exclusive liner notes from McCreary and the show’s executive producer David Eick.

Composer Bear McCreary is a classically trained composer with a degree in Composition and Recording Arts from the prestigious USC Thornton School of Music. He has composed score for over thirty independent films, including director Jon Chu’s musical short When the Kids Are Away and the Discovery Channel miniseries The 5 Coolest Things. McCreary was among a handful of select composers to have studied independently with the late film music legend Elmer Bernstein (The Magnificent Seven).

While some of the names may be the same, this is not your father’s Battlestar Galactica! Captain (sic) “Husker” Adama (Edward James Olmos) and President Laura Roslin (Mary McDonnell) lead the Battlestar Galactica crew. They are trying to locate the fabled 13th Colony of humans, planet Earth, to join with their brethren against the Cylons which have taken over their homeland. The Cylons, which can look like humans and even be programmed to think they are, aren’t the only threat, as morale and the quantity of supplies are always an issue. In an interesting casting choice, Richard Hatch (who played Captain Apollo in the original series), is cast as villain Tom Zarek, a political prisoner who has spent the past 20 years in jail for his participation in the bombing of a government building.

"With its unique combination of intricate character arcs, dark ambience and gritty battle sequences, Battlestar Galactica afforded me countless opportunities for musical exploration,” said McCreary. “Fans will immediately recognize all their favorite musical moments from the first season, including the lush orchestral works featured in the dynamic two-part season finale. I am extremely proud of this collection and look forward to continuing this musical journey into the second season and beyond."

The second season of Battlestar Galactica will begin airing in July on the Sci Fi Channel. The Battlestar Galactica: Season One soundtrack will be available in stores or from on June 21, 2005. The soundtrack from the Battlestar Galactica mini-series is also available from La-La Land Records.

External Links[edit]