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Lay Down Your Burdens, Part I

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"Lay Down Your Burdens, Part I"
An episode of the Re-imagined Series
Episode No. Season , Movie {{{movie}}}
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Special guest(s) {{{guests}}}
Production No. {{{production}}}
Nielsen Rating {{{rating}}}
US airdate USA {{{US airdate}}}
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As the presidential election looms just weeks away, the accidental discovery of a habitable planet sparks debate in the Fleet: Colonize? Or keep seeking Earth? Meanwhile, Starbuck leads a rescue mission of Raptors back to Caprica to save Anders and his resistance.


  • Adama has finally given Starbuck the go-ahead to plan a rescue mission to Caprica. On Pegasus, she lays out their plan: they will use all of their remaining Raptors -- 20 in all -- and use the navigation computer/organ from one of the captured Heavy Raiders to calculate the Jumps back to Caprica. They will go undetected by making a risky jump to just a few klicks above the surface, within the atmosphere itself, below Cylon dradis. Using this, they can make it back to Caprica in a series of 10 Jumps. Their biggest obstacle to doing this was actually interfacing with the Heavy Raider's navigation "computer", but now they will take Caprica-Sharon along in Starbuck's Raptor with it; Sharon will directly interface with the computer (by inserting a fiber-optic cable into her arm, like she did in "Flight of the Phoenix").
  • The presidential election is two weeks away, and Roslin is ahead in the poles. The only real arguements that Baltar has against her that give him any ground are when he accuses her of pandering to the religious fundamentlists (i.e. her recent policy switch on abortion) and guiding the Fleet based on the scriptures alone. Confering with his campaign manager Tom Zarek in his lab, Baltar realizes he'll need more than this to turn the fleet againt Roslin. Meanwhile, Roslin is doing a little rehersal ritural for the presidential debate with Adama in his quarters.
  • On the hangar deck, Chief Tyrol is sleeping on the floor and twitching convulsively, having a nightmare. Cally searches around the deck to find him, and is confused by the sight when she finds him. Cally tried to wake Tyrol up, but snapping right out of his nightmare he attacks Cally, punching her in the face until she is a bloody pulp and unconscious. Realizing where he is and what's going on, Tyrol is horrified, and carries Cally in his arms to sickbay.
  • Apollo, now commander of Pegasus, is confused about Starbuck going back to find Anders, but wishes her good luck in finding him.
  • Helo and Caprica-Sharon travel in Starbuck's Raptor. Sharon is still deeply depressed about her daughter Hera's seeming death, and has been shutting herself out. Helo tells her that he won't let her do that and won't give up on her. Sharon tells him that she has the feeling that something bad will happen in the future; not on the mission to Caprica, but something else.
  • On the very first jump out of the series of ten, Racetrack's Raptor jumps to the wrong set of coordinates. Starbuck's orders were to keep going ahead until they lose 3 Raptors, so they go on ahead, while Racetrack prepares to follow her orders to return to Galactica if separated. Her Raptor jumped into the middle of a gas cloud with a lot of interference, and upon clearing it, a new planet is found. Scanners indicate that it is a human-habitable planet. She returns to Galactica with news of the discovery.
  • The crew goes over the scans from the planet; it can sustain human life and subsequent scouting shows that in contains animal and vegatative life; they could indeed settle here. However, it is a cold world and somewhat harsh; only a temperate band around the equator covering about 20% of the surface would be habitable. After some prodding from Six, Baltar and Zarek realize that they can use this as their wedge issue to turn the people against Roslin: offer them permament colonization on this planet.
  • Tory goes over new poll numbers with Roslin on Colonial One: Baltar has been gaining ground with his new offer to stop running from the Cylons and stay here. The planet is hidden by interference from the gas clouds, and many people want to just stop their constant chase in the refugee fleet. Roslin points out that if the Colonials could find the planet, the Cylons could just as easily. Also, life on the planet would be harsh. Tory points out that Baltar is pandering to the people's hopes, giving them false ones that they greatly desire, while Roslin is pointing out justifiable fears that they simply don't want to hear; people will vote their hopes.
  • Shocked by his attack on Cally, Chief Tyrol has asked for religious counciling, and meets with a priest named Cavil. Tyrol explains that it is because he doesn't believe that psychoanalysis works, but is himself a very religious man. Cavil is somewhat loose and sarcastic in his counseling, leaving Tyrol a little pertubed and confused. Cavil tells Tryol that he must look for the problem in himself and questions Tyrol, and when Tyrol denies that he has been having disturbing dreams, Cavil can see through it, so Tyrol relents.
  • For weeks, Tyrol has been having the recurring dream that he walks onto the upper level of the hangar deck, climbs over the railing and kills himself by jumping to his death. Cavil says it is because Tyrol has a subconscious desire to kill himself. Tyrol explains that he has had the gnawing worry since Galactica-Sharon died that he might himself be a Cylon. Galactica-Sharon never really knew she was a Cylon, even up to the point that she died, but reported strange fears that something bad was going to happen and she had to stop herself: how would Tyrol, or anyone else, really know if they were a Cylon sleeper agent or not? Tyrol is frightened by the prospect.
  • Cavil assured Tyrol that he is not a Cylon, sarcastically quipping that he knows because he is a Cylon himself, and hasn't seen Tyrol at any of the meetings. Tyrol feels ashamed to go back to the hangar deck crew after the accident, but Cavil assures him that they're the only family he has left, and they love him. Cally most of all.
  • At the final presidential debate, Baltar's charisma and false hopes of finally giving up their run from the Cylons starts to pull him ahead in the polls, and Roslin's warnings that this planet is not safe and determination to keep searching for Earth do not gain wide support. Baltar apparently wins the final debate. Roslin tells him to go frak himself.
  • The Raptors rescuse mission makes the final jump to Caprica. Two Raptors were lost because they jumped right into the middle of a mountain. The Raptors continue on, then Starbuck, Helo, Sharon and the marines continue on foot.
  • One klick away frmo the resistance's base camp, they see movement, and find Anders and his whole group. Starbuck is overjoyed to see him, but Anders warns that the Cylons are right behind them; the resistance's base was ambushed that morning, and half of Anders' men are dead.
  • The marines and resistance members start coming under Cylon artillery fire. After running briefly, they reach a point where the arc of the artillery shells is right above them, and cannot hit them. However, the artillery's killzone is now between them and retreat back to the Raptors. To be continued...



  • Does the fleet have the resources to sustain long term setttlements on the newly found planet?


  • When Baltar sarcastically quips that Zarek (and Six) expect him to just sit around and wait for "The Hand of God" to deliver them something they can use to their advantage against Roslin, he is of course referencing the previous episode titled "The Hand of God".
  • When Lt. Gaeta takes his shirt off in the head, he can be seen to still be sporting the ugly tiger tatoo that we first saw in "Final Cut".
  • The combined Colonial fleet had 20 Raptors in this episode, of which 2 were destroyed before the end. Previously, Galactica was confirmed to have only at least 5 left (stated in "The Farm"). Doubtlessly, Pegasus brought at least an equal number of Raptors with it when it joined the Fleet, but 20 is still a high number for this. Perhaps a disproportionately large number of Raptors escaped to Ragnar Anchorage during the Miniseries; unlike Vipers, Raptors do have FTL drives. We actually saw Boomer and Helo escaping the destruction of their Viper squadron, because Raptors do not engage in frontline combat, and because they have an extenstive ECM suite which Helo was trying to jam the Cylon virus signal with, slowing down it's progress (though not stopping it). Perhaps this type of event happened in several places around the Twelve Colonies; Raptors, pulling back away from combat behind the Vipers to provide ECM support, were able to Jump away when they realized their Vipers were being slaughtered. Because they had FTL drive, like Boomer when she left Caprica, they could then have jumped to Ragnar, resulting in a high-number of refugee Raptors. Indeed, Crashdown was a Raptor ECO, but Boomer stated that he was not from Galactica, but a refugee "from Triton" (either a battlestar or a planet).
  • When Cavil is consoling Tyrol's fears that he might unknowingly be a Cylon sleeper agent, just like Boomer was, Tyrol asks him how he can know for sure. Cavil sarcastically answers that it's because he's a Cylon, and he hasn't seen Tyrol at any of the meetings: Number Six also sarcastically remarked to Baltar in the Miniseries that Aaron Doral could not be a Cylon, because she hadn't "seen him at any of the good Cylon parties"...but of course, Doral actually was a Cylon, implying that Cavil is truly more than he seems.
  • Tory actually speaks the title of this episode aloud, saying that the new planet offers people in the Fleet the hope that they can "lay down their burdens" and stop running.

Noteworthy Dialogue

Official Statements

  • In an interview in issue #197 of TV Zone, James Callis (Dr. Gaius Baltar) said: "the arrival of the Pegasus has helped galvanize our characters into who they are and who they’re trying to be. These later episodes [in Season 2] also further drive home the fact that the Galactica’s crew could be exterminated by its own kind, meaning that Humans are potentially far more terrifying an enemy than perhaps the Cylons."

Guest Stars

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