Admiral Nagala is a senior admiral in the Colonial Fleet.
In the early events of the attack on the Twelve Colonies, Nagala took personal command of the fleet following the destruction of Picon Fleet Headquarters, using the battlestar Atlantia as flagship.
Nagala is killed when Atlantia is subsequently destroyed with all hands in a battle above the colony of Virgon.
Commander William Adama assumes supreme field command of the Colonial Fleet, as no flag officers remain alive or in contact with the fleet (i.e. Helena Cain) (Miniseries, Night 1).
It is possible that Nagala is actual a Rear Admiral. Giving that Commander Adama is the most senior officer left after Nagala death. Also most of the higher ranking officer, i.e. Admiral, and Vice Admiral would be killed when Picon Fleet Headquarters is destroyed. But their is nothing to support this idea in the miniseries. The series does referred to Cain, as 'Admiral' even those she is a Rear Admiral, same for Adama.