"Galactic Scouts" is a song performed by the Super Scouts during their first night on Earth. Jamie Hamilton is the first known Earthling to hear the song, and expresses interest in learning it (1980: "The Super Scouts, Part I").
The song's lyrics include the ending refrain: "Zay. Zee. Zy, lo, do. Zay. Zee. I know you. Ask me, I told you. Zay. Zee. Zy, lo, do."
The Scouts later sang this while sowing seeds at Alonzo Farm (1980: "Space Croppers").
- The song title originates from the end credits for both episodes, where John Andrew Tartaglia, Sue Collins, and Glen A. Larson receive their credit. This would be their second and final known collaboration in the Galactica ethos, as they composed the earlier song "It's Love, Love, Love" sung at Carillon from the Original Series' "Saga of a Star World".
- The song may be a form of Colonial solmization, akin to solfège (e.g. "do, re, me, fa, so, la, ti").