A combat jump is an FTL jump in which the exit co-ordinates are likely to put the jumping vessel in harm's way, with a high probability of an armed exchange directly following or soon after the jump. Preparation for a combat jump involves different procedures than a standard jump. These are likely to include things such as:
- Arming and posting of Marine defense teams in order to repel potential boarding parties
- The loading of additional Vipers to supplement the alert fighters
The vessel's Commanding Officer will also likely order Condition One to be set, readying the ship for an immediate engagement following the jump.
Notes[edit source]
- The battlestar Pegasus makes a combat jump shortly before Battle of the Resurrection Ship and the Battle of the Binary Star System. Galactica makes a combat jump to initiate the Battle of New Caprica. It should be noted, however, that in the latter two instances, the jump is not immediately followed by combat.