
Discussion page of Baker

Move to Cohen Baker?

Since we now know his first name is "Cohen", should we not move this page to "Cohen Baker"? - Corey "Shadow" Danian (talk) 04:13, 25 February 2024 (UTC)

Probably eventually. We should take a look at the episode again, now that blu-ray sources are available, and verify. -- Joe Beaudoin So say we all - Donate 01:31, 26 February 2024 (UTC)
Thank the Lords of Kobol for blu-ray, it's helped to fix a lot of things. - Corey "Shadow" Danian (talk) 02:51, 26 February 2024 (UTC)
After reviewing the blu-ray screencaps, notably this one, I am unconvinced of "Cohen"; it could be "Loben," "Toben," "Token," or any permutation. The only two letters you can be reasonably certain of are the "EN" at the end, and that's all. Barring any more definitive, clarifying information, I'm afraid that "Cohen" has to go back to the pile -- best not to randomly guess on this, given that there are other plausible permutations available. -- Joe Beaudoin So say we all - Donate 00:12, 4 March 2024 (UTC)