Excellent to see you finally turning your talents towards the BattlestarWiki, largest source of BSG info on the net. Stay close to me, and we might just get through this with our lives. --Ricimer 03:38, 6 February 2006 (EST) (a.k.a. The_Merovingian)
A welcome to the most prominent scifi.com'er (outside of Merv) that I've seen over here. --Steelviper 07:52, 12 March 2006 (CST)
Er ... thanks! Is this how I reply? I'm pretty new at this wiki thing, I wandered over for support information about the numbers of remaining pilots to use in arguments, didn't agree with the information, and fixed it. The meat of the fixes stands so I assume everyone was ok with them. Of course, it became pointless to try to track them after the Pegasus arrived, but now with all the changes for Season 3 -- who knows? A List of Pilots Part 2 might be in order.--Dogger 22:02, 14 March 2006 (CST)