
521 editsJoined 2 October 2006
Revision as of 23:07, 19 March 2008 by CoreyDanian (talk | contribs)

Hi, I'm CoreyDanian. I'm a (in the Battlestar universe) a sixteen year old cadet on the Galactica. I enjoy making lists on the fleet and people of the current universe. I look across all websites for information and watch the episodes alot.

I got promoted to lieutenant because i'm eighteen! Can you believe It!

Ships I have identified for my own fiction:

Enkidu: Wedge shaped vessel, called a Leonin class escort ship
Rising Star/Amduatey: Space Park Luxury Liner, called Rising Star till last night when I had a dream about the Battle at the Ionian Nebula where Lieutenant Gaeta called it's name, Amduatey.