Baah Pakal

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Revision as of 16:12, 1 May 2006 by Zeus (talk | contribs)

The Baah Pakal is a ship in The Fleet. The Baah Pakal once held a pair of outdated DDG-62 engines on her flight deck that were donated to the Blackbird prototype. (Flight of the Phoenix)

The name Ba'ha Pakal is Mayan in origin. B'a means "head" or "first" in Mayan. Pakal means "shield". So taken together as B'a Pakal, it would be Mayan for "First Shield". Also note Pakal was the name of the greatest ruler of the Mayan city Palenqué in Chiapas, Mexico. This adds further references to Earth based cultures, adding to the mystery of the time-period that BSG is taking place in. Earth past or Earth future.