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My Battlestar Galactica Remake

The people who were to become the "Colonials" originated on the planet originally known as "Kobol." Human life evolved on Kobol. Over time, numerous societies collectively developed a civilization with all the amenities of an advanced culture (e.g. automobiles, television, advanced medicine, etc.). They even developed a space-folding drive that enables space ships to make instantaneous "jumps" across vast distances in space. Despite this high level of technology, they still did not have total reign over the planet. Instead, these advanced humans lived within enclaves spread throughout Kobol, while most of the planet remained untamed with primitive tribal societies roaming the land.

Eventually, the inhospitable natural climatic conditions led 'civilized' humanity to decide to abandon Kobol. A very distant trinary star system with a total of twelve habitable worlds had been discovered. The worlds would be named Aerelon, Aquaria, Canceron, Caprica, Gemenon, Leonis, Libris, Picon, Sagittaron, Scorpia, Tauron and Virgon. Most went to the those worlds, becoming the "Twelve Colonies of Kobol". However, one group (later known as the "Thirteenth Tribe") went a different way and instead colonized an even more distant planet they named "Earth" (the first planet to bear that name). Upon leaving Kobol, the people completely stripped their cities of all non-biodegradable materials to the point that within a few years there would be no archaeological evidence whatsoever that an advanced civilization ever existed on Kobol. This was done so the primitives left on Kobol didn't find any technology that would one day lead to their destruction.

Several centuries after the Thirteenth Tribe colonized Earth, they created sentient machines known as "Cylons." These Cylons would serve as a slave caste for centuries. At some point, they rose up and waged war against their masters. They eventually won and destroyed Earth's human population. The Cylons then abandoned Earth and decided seek out and destroy the humans of the Twelve Colonies out of a belief that they would one day become a threat to the Cylon race.

Because of religious reasons, the humans on the Twelve Colonies initially lost most elements of civilization from Kobol after they settled on the twelve worlds. However, humanity possesses a capacity for genetic memory. This genetic memory does not take the form of passing on personal memories, but the passing on of an unconscious knowledge of certain invented concepts and ideas such as technology, language, engineering and even fashion and music along with various other aesthetic cultural aspects. Over a period of a couple thousand years, all the technological and cultural aspects from Kobol completely reconstituted because the genetic memory of these concepts and ideas 'leaked' into the subconscious minds of various people who gradually and collectively reinvented these aspects of Kobol society.

By the time the Cylons found the Colonials, they had already rediscovered jump drive and set up outposts many light-years from the Colonies. The Cylons attacked the outposts and waged war against the Colonials. At first, the war went badly for the Colonials. Not having learnt as much of the Cylons as the Cylons had of the Colonials, they were unprepared for the all out nature of the Cylon assaults. As the Cylons wanted the Colonials exterminated, prisoners were not taken, unless the Cylons needed information, and then the prisoners were terminated afterwards. Outposts were destroyed, civilians butchered without mercy. In response to the Cylon assault, the twelve worlds united under new unified government called the "Quorum of Twelve" that formed the Colonial Fleet to fight the Cylons and their baseships and raiders.

The Cylons hadn't counted on the Colonial tenacity and refusal to bow out and allow themselves to be killed. This meant that the Colonials hung on. Eventually, the Cylons launched an all out invasion of the Twelve Colonies. The Colonials had not only anticipated this attack, they stopped it dead and had the Cylons running.

The middle stages saw the most action and the least conquest. The Colonials had some initial breathing space as the Cylons decided how to react to the humans recklessness and backed off to mere probing attacks instead of all out assaults. The Colonials put this breathing space to good use. They overhauled their fleet, firstly building the new light cruisers to escort the aging Heavy Carriers and other ships of the line, before retiring them when the battlestars entered service. Other ship types soon followed, as did the viper fighter.

While these designs were updated and modified over the course of their long service history, the Colonials preferred to overhaul old ships rather than design new ones. With these new ship designs, and a better understanding of how the Cylons waged war, the Colonials conducted their own attacks, and finally brought the war back to the Cylons.

While the Cylons could never actually be driven back, neither could they advance, and the middle stages of the war was one of probing assaults, strikes and counter strikes into each others territory, but very little actual conquest. The current permanent combat footing and way of life for the Colonials was developed here. During this period, there were many lulls in the fighting, and these lulls sometimes lasted more than a decade. To civilians growing up in this era, these lulls were often misinterpreted as separate wars of their own. Throughout the entirely of the century-long war, the origin of the Cylons remained unknown to the people of the Twelve Colonies.

Inevitably, the Cylons had had enough. The Cylons used all their trickery when they finally destroyed the Twelve Colonies of Kobol. After a fifteen-year lull in the fighting, the Cylons managed to convince Count Baltar of Sagittaron, a Quorum of Twelve member, that they would spare his world if he helped them conquer and enslave the people of the other eleven worlds. They also told him that he would rule over the Colonies as the representative of the Cylons. Baltar spoke to the Quorum of Twelve and told them that the Cylons wished to sue for peace. This peace would be sealed at the old moon of Cimtar, a system only a short journey away from the Colonies.

President Adar had had enough of war at this point, and he believed Baltar - as did most of the Quorum, a notable exception being the military Commander Adama who represented the planet Caprica in the Quorum - that the Cylons truly wanted peace. As such, he let himself be led by Baltar, and the heavy elements of the Colonial Fleet journeyed to the moon of Cimtar to seal the truce.

The Cylon plan was three fold. The first two parts operated together to destroy the final defenses of the Colonies, and then the third part would be the ultimate destruction of the human race. Part one was a huge trap for the Colonial Fleet. Surrounding the moon of Cimtar is a vast mist layer, and hidden within this layer were Cylon tankers. They fueled a vast armada of over a thousand raiders, which would allow them to operate without baseship support. These would destroy the Colonial Fleet. At the same time, part two of the trap consisted of three fully loaded baseships jumping into the Colonial system to attack the twelve worlds. Targets would include any Fleet elements and planetary defenses. Part of this plan was to use spies of Baltar who would attempt to disable defenses and provide information on Fleet movements. Then, when the raiders and baseships had done their jobs, they would rendezvous with the remaining Cylon fleet elements, and once refueled and rearmed, the entire fleet would then jump back to the Colonies and complete the destruction. The plan worked almost perfectly.

The Colonial Fleet moved to the moon of Cimtar, but a lone patrol from the Colonial battlestar Galactica discovered the massed raiders and the Cylons had to spring their trap early. Thus during the attack, the Colonials detected the presence of the baseships in their home systems, and the Galactica managed to break away from the ambush and jump back to the Colonial system. The rest of the Colonial Fleet, aside from a few vipers, was destroyed.

The Galactica arrived too late to save the Colonies. The first group of baseships had already arrived and left, and with the help of human saboteurs, had disabled the planetary defenses, allowing them and any Fleet elements present to be easily destroyed. Commander Adama realized that life on the Colonies had come to an end, and there was no hope of remaining there alive. So he sent word to all survivors who assembled in any ship they could find, and lead this fleet away from the remains of the Colonials and from the Cylons. Having no choice to stay, the battlestar Galactica assembled as many survivors as it could, and a space-dwelling caravan of human survivors left the Colonial system for good. This rag-tag fleet was on the search for the Thirteenth Tribe and Earth, which they believed would be a new home for them.

Shortly afterwards, the Cylons arrived back in Colonial system, and this time they completed the destruction of the Twelve Colonies, and the extermination of all life there. All of the twelve worlds were rendered uninhabitable as a result of nuclear fallout. Despite their deal with Count Baltar, the Cylons attacked Sagittaron along with the other Colonies. The Cylons kept Baltar alive as a prisoner. As he was a scientific genius, they made him aid them in their pursuit of the Galactica and the rest of the surviving Colonials.

The people of the surviving fugitive human fleet dedicated themselves to finding Earth. They had many death-defying exploits along the way, such as constantly battling Cylons, locating the thought destroyed battlestar Pegasus commanded by the legendary Commander Cain, only to lose it again when it went up again three baseships single handedly, and managing to capture Baltar, the renegade human who sold out his race and teamed up with the Cylons to destroy humanity, although he was obviously tricked by the Cylons into believing that he would be able to rule the survivors.

Eventually, the fleet found the location of Earth. Arriving on the planet, they discovered an irradiated wasteland and the ruins of the destroyed civilization of the Thirteenth Tribe. After less than a day of excavating, they were able to piece together the truth of the origin of the Cylons. Devastated at this discovery, the Galactica then led the fleet away from Earth in the yet another search for a new home. Several months later, the circumstances of a cataclysmic battle saw the final destruction of the Cylons and enabled the crew of the Galactica to acquire the coordinates to Kobol. Ironically, it was Count Baltar who heroically sacrificed himself to allow both of these things to happen.

Upon arriving at Kobol, the people of the fleet renamed the planet "Earth" as that was the name of the dream for which they had searched for so long. They then left the ships of the fleet (including Galactica) and set them on autopilot to fly into the Sun. These last survivors of the Twelve Colonies decided they wanted a whole new fresh start. So they settled and abandoned their technology to join with the tribal hunter-gatherer population that had remained during the original exodus from the planet.

The Colonials spread throughout the world to the point where eventually every person on the renamed Earth would have some Colonial ancestry. Due to climatic circumstances, it took more than 10,000 years before civilization was redeveloped. But eventually it was. After the end of the Stone Age, the unconscious genetic memory of Colonial society caused certain Colonial ideas and concepts to reemerge. However, they reappeared only in rudimentary, fragmented and even modified forms. For example, the Colonial religion gradually reconstituted in the minds of the people of ancient Greece - but in a modified form (e.g. the "Lords of Kobol" became the "Gods of Olympus).

Over a period of several millennia, a multitude of Colonial ideas, concepts, and cultural aspects reemerged because of genetic memory. Although they would continue to reemerge in rudimentary, modified and fragmented forms, eventually these fragments coalesced into complete reconstitution of Colonial aspects. For instance, the Colonial language eventually reconstituted as the "English" language. The English language did not suddenly appear, but instead evolved through centuries of modifications along with amalgamations from numerous other languages. It was all the result of the genetic memory of the language 'leaking' into the subconscious minds of people who unconsciously directed the language toward a linguistic endpoint that is an exact replication of the Colonial language (apart from a certain profanity word).

As a result of genetic memory, by the early 21st century virtually every cultural aspect of Colonial society has reemerged: language, names, fashion, engineering, architecture, furniture, music, art, cuisine, household appliances, television, automobiles, federalized government, judicial systems, labor unions, military protocols, etc. Countries such as the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom collectively form a near perfect replication of the society of the Twelve Colonies of Kobol more than 20,000 years ago – just without advanced technology such as jump drive and sentient machines. The people of modern Earth live in complete ignorance to the fact that their world was once known as "Kobol", that many thousands of years ago most of humanity was much more technologically advanced than it is now, that their ancestors traveled amongst the stars and colonized other worlds, that human civilization has rose and fell several times...and that whether it will happen again remains to be seen.