A Battlestar Group is a Colonial Fleet unit lead by a battlestar. On ship crests, badges, and documents it is often abbreviated as "BSG".
Battlestar Groups are seen by RDM as analagous to a modern-day Carrier Battle Group, comprising at least one battlestar, plus a number of support vessels. Given the number of available battlestars at the outbreak of hostilities with the Cylon attack, it is possible that a battlestar group may have comprised a number (3-4) battlestars operating as a single unit, supported by additional Colonial vessels.
Known Battlestar Groups[edit]
BSG 63: Lead by Mercury class battlestar Pegasus, under Admiral Nelena Cain.
BSG 75: Lead by battlestar Galactica, under Commander William Adama. This group's high unit number belies the age of Galactica, one of the oldest ships in the fleet.