User talk:Day

Discussion page of User:Day

Conversations in the period of 29 Aug 2005 to 15 Feb 2006 have been archived.

Deletion Log Entry

Hooray! A search of the deletion log for user Day returns:

  • 16:18, 16 February 2006 Day deleted "Image:Litmus2.jpg" (Redundant image.)

It has begun! Still no entries in the block log yet, but Spence and I don't either. Probably because of our intimidation factor. (Or maybe because I was sleeping on the job while Peter or Joe was actually looking after the place.) Congrats on the first delete! (And many more...) --Steelviper 19:35, 16 February 2006 (EST)

Block log? Man... Does this admin bit come with a fraking manual? "Of course not. That would be too logical." *wink* --Day 23:56, 17 February 2006 (EST)


Just wanted to say Congratulations on your engagement. Best wishes! -- Laineylain 11:47, 14 March 2006 (CST)

Thanks much. We're, perhaps obviously, pretty excited about it. --Day 14:05, 15 March 2006 (CST)
Just saw the announcement of your engagement and I too wanted to congratulate you. --Zareck Rocks 14:23, 15 March 2006 (CST)
Same here, congratulations. --Talos 15:47, 15 March 2006 (CST)

You desillifier :P

Party pooper. I thought that caption brought much levity to the article. :P

Bleh, I knew it wouldn't last. :)--Kross 14:29, 14 March 2006 (CST)

We like to keep levity pretty segregated from the rest of the wiki. --Day 14:05, 15 March 2006 (CST)

All your fault

Dang you, Day.. all day I've been pondering a new game.. Battlestar Marathon. All your fault... All of it. --Durandal

Heh. A Marine-based Mod? Or maybe the Resistance? Heh. --Day 14:03, 15 March 2006 (CST)
Reskin the Pfhor/S'pht to be centurions (oldschool and newschool, respectively), assimilated Bobs become Agents, maps of Galactica & assorted other vessiles/locales... All your fault, Day... all your fault... *goes to play in pfhorge* --Durandal 21:29, 15 March 2006 (CST)

Check GMail; I can't get it!

Now it works.. --Shane (T - C - E) 21:17, 19 March 2006 (CST)

Mistake on my part

I was moving a template and must have had the old version. --Shane (T - C - E) 02:47, 23 June 2006 (CDT)

No worries. You use an outside editor, then? --Day (Talk - Admin) 02:49, 23 June 2006 (CDT)

Non-weapon guns

You know... like tasers, and bean bag rounds. Oh. Those are non-lethal (or less-lethal) weapons. Hmmm. Squirt guns, or cap guns/starter guns would be example of non-weapon guns. Though, I doubt Raiders are equipped with cap guns (as the odds of them getting caught up in a pickup game of cops and robbers or cowboys and indians out in space is probably pretty poor). --Steelviper 07:34, 7 July 2006 (CDT)

Maybe Raiders all use Airsoft. *wink* --Day (Talk - Admin) 23:32, 7 July 2006 (CDT)