More actions
m padding sortable tables for aesthetics |
m flow |
Line 388: | Line 388: | || { | { | ||
contain: inherit !important; | contain: inherit !important; | ||
} | |||
/* Flow */ | |||
.flow-topic-titlebar { | |||
background-color: var(--background3) !important; | |||
} | |||
.flow-post{ | |||
background-color: var(--background2) !important; | |||
color: var(--text) !important; | |||
} | } |
Revision as of 22:11, 21 May 2023
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clip-path: polygon(0 5.00px,5.00px 0,calc(100% - 5px) 0,100% 5.00px,100% calc(100% - 5.00px),calc(100% - 5.00px) 100%,5.00px 100%,0 calc(100% - 5.00px)); } table tr:nth-child(even) { background: var(--background3) !important; } .sortable td { padding: 0.5em; } .hiddenStructure { display: none; } /* Dealing with images */ a.images { display: inline !important; } figure .thumbinner, .thumb .thumbinner { display: inline !important; padding: 0px !important; background-color: inherit !important; background: inherit !important; transition: background 200ms ease,color 200ms ease; } .thumb { background-color: var(--background2) !important; clip-path: polygon(0 10.00px,10.00px 0,calc(100% - 8px) 0,100% 10.00px,100% calc(100% - 10.00px),calc(100% - 10.00px) 100%,10.00px 100%,0 calc(100% - 10.00px)); } .thumbcaption { padding: 0.25em 1em; } /* Inline article preview popups */ .mwe-popups { background-color:var(--background-dark) !important; color:var(--background2) !important; border: 1px solid var(--red) !important; 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} /* checkboxes */ .oo-ui-checkboxInputWidget [type='checkbox'] + span { background-color: var(--color-surface-1) !important; } /* visual editor */ { background-color: var(--color-surface-1) !important; } /* visual editor save change dialogue */ .oo-ui-menuOptionWidget.oo-ui-widget-enabled.oo-ui-optionWidget:hover, .ve-ui-specialCharacterPage-character:hover, .oo-ui-menuOptionWidget.oo-ui-widget-enabled.oo-ui-optionWidget:selected, .ve-ui-specialCharacterPage-character:selected { background-color: var(--color-surface-2--hover) !important; } /* prevents "negative" on images when editing a link that has an image preview in editor */ .mw-widget-titleOptionWidget-hasImage { filter: none !important; } /* TABBER */ .tabber.tabber--animate.tabber--live, .tabber { background-color: var(--background2) !important; clip-path: polygon(0 10.00px,10.00px 0,calc(100% - 8px) 0,100% 10.00px,100% calc(100% - 10.00px),calc(100% - 10.00px) 100%,10.00px 100%,0 calc(100% - 10.00px)); } .tabber__tab:visited { color: var(--color-primary) !important; 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} /* hides the infobox header on transcluded pages, particularly as they use templates that call on {{pagename}} to fill in those areas... causing confusing results on disambiguation tabbed pages... */ .tabber__panel tr.infoboxheader, .tabber__panel .infoboxheader { display: none !important; } /* Cut Corner Images */ .citizen-body a.image > img, .mw-body-content a.image > img { clip-path: polygon(0 10.00px,10.00px 0,calc(100% - 8px) 0,100% 10.00px,100% calc(100% - 10.00px),calc(100% - 10.00px) 100%,10.00px 100%,0 calc(100% - 10.00px)); } .flag img { clip-path: none !important; } /* fixes issue on front page with localization flags */ .flag a.image { display: inline !important; } .ace-tm { backgroud-color: var(--background2) !important; color: var(text) !important; } /* images in VisualEditor */ { contain: inherit !important; } /* Flow */ .flow-topic-titlebar { background-color: var(--background3) !important; } .flow-post{ background-color: var(--background2) !important; color: var(--text) !important; 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