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The following timeline includes the events of the series ''[[Caprica]]'' and how they relate to its parent-series ''[[Battlestar Galactica (RDM)|Battlestar Galactica]]'':

* [[Daniel Graystone]] sells his new invention – the [[holoband]] – to [[MicroCap]] ("[[There is Another Sky]]").
* [[Zoe Graystone]] is born to [[Amanda Graystone|Amanda]] and Daniel Graystone ("[[Pilot|Caprica]]").
* '''Iuniores 4''': [[Heracles|Tad Thorean]] is born ("[[Know Thy Enemy]]").
* [[William Adama]] is born to [[Shannon Adama|Shannon]] and [[Joseph Adama]] ("[[Pilot|Caprica]]").
*The [[Soldiers of the One]] become dormant ("[[Pilot|Caprica]]").
* '''Aprilus 9''': [[Ben Stark]] is caught out after curfew and interviewed by police regarding wires and detonates in his possession. The tape of the interview is mislabeled "Ben Starke."
* '''Ianuarius 23''': [[Train 23|Maglev No. 23]] is bombed by [[Ben Stark]], killing himself, Zoe Graystone, [[Tamara Adama]], Shannon Adama, and dozens of others ("[[Pilot|Caprica]]").
* '''Februarius 6''':
** Daniel Graystone meets Joseph Adama outside City Hall;
** [[Lacy Rand]] finds Zoe's avatar in the [[V-Club]];
** Daniel finds Lacy in Zoe's room ("[[Pilot|Caprica]]").
* '''Februarius 8''':
**Joseph represents a client in court before meeting his brother [[Sam Adama]] to accept payment from the [[Guatrau]];
** Daniel and [[Cyrus Xander]] conduct a test of the [[U-87]], which fails miserably ("[[Pilot|Caprica]]").
* '''Februarius 9''': Daniel hacks into Zoe's e-sheet and finds Zoe's avatar in the V-Club, but is thrown out of v-world when he follows her ("[[Pilot|Caprica]]").
* '''Februarius 10''': Joseph takes William to school; Amanda is visited at work by [[Global Defense Department]] agent [[Jordan Duram]], who suggests that Zoe may have been involved in the bombing of Maglev No. 23 ("[[Pilot|Caprica]]").
* '''Februarius 11''':
** Daniel persuades Lacy to take him to Zoe's avatar in the V-Club, the forcibly downloads the avatar onto his home computer;
** the Guatrau instructs Joseph to deliver a message to Caprican Defense Minister Val Chambers ("[[Pilot|Caprica]]").
* '''Februarius 12''':
** Agent Duram questions Lacy Rand and Clarice Willow regarding Zoe's involvement in the STO;
** Daniel, Joseph, and Willie attend a C-Bucs pyramid game, after which Daniel mentions the possibility of Joseph seeing Tamara again ("[[Pilot|Caprica]]").
* '''Februarius 13''':
** Daniel scans Joseph into v-world and explains how Zoe and Tamara might be resurrected as avatars;
**Joseph declares Daniel insane, but Daniel still asks Joseph to arrange for the theft of a [[meta-cognitive processor]] chip from [[Tomas Vergis]] ("[[Pilot|Caprica]]").
* '''Februarius 14''':
** Daniel delivers breakfast in bed to Amanda;
** Joseph asks Sam to arrange the MCP theft;
** Joseph informs Chambers that the Guatrau does not condone his political actions, whicha re detrimental to the Ha'la'tha, but Chambers insults Joseph before dismissing him;
** Sam visits the Chambers residence at night and assassinates the Defense Minister ("[[Pilot|Caprica]]").
* '''Februarius 15''':
** Lacy confesses her involvement with the STO to Clarice, and learns that Clarice also belongs to the STO; Daniel uses Zoe's program to create an avatar of Tamara ("[[Pilot|Caprica]]");
** the MCP is stolen from the Vergis Corporation, and two Vergis employees are murdered in the process ("[[Know Thy Enemy]]").
* '''Februarius 16''':
** Joseph delivers the MCP to Daniel;
** Joseph enters v-world to meet Tamara's avatar, but she panics when she cannot feel her heartbeat, and Joseph declares the entire project an abomination ("[[Pilot|Caprica]]").
* '''Februarius 17''':
** Daniel downloads Zoe's avatar into the MCP and installs it into the U-87;
** the avatar briefly communicates with Daniel through the U-87 before the datastream breaks down, and Daniel discovers that Zoe's avatar is gone from v-world;
** Joseph tells Willie that he was named after his grandfather William, who died in the [[Tauron Civil War]] ("[[Pilot|Caprica]]").
* '''Februarius 19''':
** Daniel stages an enormously successful demonstration of the U-87 for Caprican Defense Secretary [[Joan Leyte]], and coins the term [[Cylons_(RDM)|"Cylon]]";
** Zoe's avatar latar contacts Lacy from within the U-87 ("[[Pilot|Caprica]]").
* '''Februarius 21''':
** Cyrus and Daniel realize that the U-87 prototype and the MCP chip have bonded in a way that cannot be reproduced with any other robotic unit, and Daniel orders the U-87 prototype sent to his home lab for study;
** Amanda watches home movies of Zoe;
** Clarice invites Lacy to lunch at her home on Saturday;
** Zoe's avatar tells Lacy not to tell Clarice about her existence ("[[Rebirth]]").
* '''Februarius 22''':
** Daniel and Amanda attend the Buccaneers/Stallions pyramid game;
** Joseph accidentally drives to Tamara's school when he tries to pick up Willie;
** Philomon and Drew pack up the U-87 for delivery to the Graystone residence;
** Joseph returns home to find Willie, as well as an invitation to a memorial service for the Maglev No. 23 victims;
** Agent Duram visits Amanda to inquire about Ben Stark, and discovers that Amanda did not Zoe had a boyfriend;
** the U-87 tries to break free while in transit, and Philo calms it;
** during dinner, Joseph experiences a hallucination of Tamara at the table;
** Philo and Drew deliver the U-87 to the Graystone residence, and the robot breaks off one of Drew's fingers ("[[Rebirth]]").
* '''Februarius 23''' ("Saturday"):
** Amanda visits Lacy at her home and learns that Zoe intended to find a new family on Gemenon;
** Daniel and Philo discuss the uniqueness of the U-87 prototype;
** while Sam takes Willie to Little Tauron, he takes a call before heading to a business where he smashes a window, and Sam and Willie get arrested;
** Lacy visits Clarice's family for lunch, and Clarice prods Lacy for information about Zoe's computer work;
** Daniel and Amanda argue about going to the memorial, but Daniel agrees to go if Amanda wants to;
** Sam and Willie are released from custody, and Willie returns home where Joseph questions his absence from school;
** Clarice visits an opium den;
** Zoe contacts Lacy, and Lacy visits the Graystone residence to see the U-87 ("[[Rebirth]]").
* '''Februarius 24''':
** Daniel and Amanda attend the memorial ceremony;
** Amanda meets Ben's mother Natalie Stark, who gives Amanda a package of Zoe's possessions, including an Infinity pin;
** Joseph finds Daniel, and demands to see Tamara's avatar again;
** Amanda realizes that Zoe belonged to the STO, and announces to the crowd at the memorial ceremony that her daughter was responsible for the bombing of Maglev No. 23 ("[[Rebirth]]").
* '''Februarius 25''': Amanda resigns her position at [[Caprica General Hospital]]
* '''Februarius 26''': Lacy is targeted by fellow students at the Athenian Academy
* '''Februarius 27''':
** Daniel works out at the [[Red Gloves Gym]] and discusses talk-show host [[Baxter Sarno]] with Cyrus;
** outside the Gym, Daniel is accosted by Sam and Joseph, who demands to see Tamara again;
** Willie cuts school to spend time with Sam at [[Goldie's Off Track Betting]]
* '''Februarius 28''':
** Graystone Industries suffers as public opinion turns against holoband and v-world;
** Joseph is berated by a judge for not personally delivering a bribe on behalf of [[Plexico Amarcord]];
** Clarice tries to convince Lacy to tell her about Zoe's work;
** Daniel and Amanda discuss her public announcement of Zoe's STO affiliation
* '''Martius 1''':
** GDD director [[Gara Singh]] berates Duram's partner for having interviewed and released Ben Stark a year before the bombing;
** Duram and his partner leak to the press the fact that "bureaucratic red tape" is preventing a search of the Graystone residence.
* '''Martius 2''':
** Zoe wirelessly interfaces the U-87 with v-world and visits Lacy in v-world, telling Lacy not to trust Clarice;
** Zoe and Lacy find Tamara's avatar and help her escape into the virtual world;
* '''Martius 3''':
** Cyrus and [[Priyah Magnus]] try to convince Daniel to appear on Sarno's show to defend his company, v-world, and holobands;
** Tamara parts ways with Zoe and Lacy in v-world, and Zoe instructs Lacy to find [[Keon Gatwick]] to get the U-87 to [[Gemenon]];
** Clarice discusses her search for Zoe's avatar with Alvo
* '''Martius 4''':
** Lacy convinces Keon to help her with Zoe's plan;
** Daniel takes Joseph back to v-world, but they are unable to find Tamara's avatar;
** Daniel sees news of the bad publicity against the Graystones, and calls Priyah to have her book him ''[[Backtalk with Baxter Sarno|Backtalk]]'' the next night;
** Joseph asks Sam to murder Amanda Graystone in reprisal for Shannon's death ("[[Reins of a Waterfall]]").
* '''Martius 5''':
** an empty [[Holo Cafe|holocafe]] is bombed;
** Clarice receives a warning that the Athenian Academy will be raided, and alerts Keon, who clears bomb materials out of his locker;
** Agent Duram leads GDD agents on a fruitless raid of the Academy;
** Sam monitors Amanda from across the lake on the Graystone's property;
** Philo runs diagnostics on the U-87;
** Willie cuts school again and returns home, and his grandmother prompts him to decide what he wants to do with his life;
** Agent Duram leads a raid on the Graystone residence, and the GDD confiscates everything in Zoe's room;
** Lacy finds Keon at a mechanics shop and persuades him to contact STO operative Barnabas;
** Agent Duram gets authorization to confiscate Academy students' e-sheets and communications;
** Daniel appears on ''Backtalk'', debating the morality of v-world with Sarno;
** Amanda storms the stage in defense of her daughter;
** Daniel concedes that v-world has adverse moral implications;
** Clarice learns that Daniel interacted with a virtual avatar of Zoe after her death;
** Ruth tells Joseph that Shannon and Tamara cannot rest in death until they are avenged, insisting that she could murder Amanda herself;
** Daniel vows that Graystone Industries will not longer profit from v-world or the holobands;
** Sam poses as a driver for the studio, and offers to drive Amanda home after the show;
** Sam detours through Little Tauron with Amanda, indicating that he lost his sister-in-law and niece in the Maglev bombing;
** Joseph tries to contact Sam in order to call off the murder, but cannot reach him;
** Sam returns to Joseph's house and, after recounting the details of a horrific murder, admits that he dropped Amanda Graystone off, safe but scared, at her house because he knew that Joseph would not go through the murder;
** Daniel and Amanda discuss Zoe, and decide not to watch their own interview on ''Backtalk'' ("[[Gravedancing]]").
* '''Martius 7''':
** Cyrus tells Daniel that Graystone Industries' Board of Directors are holding a meeting to decide whether to replace Daniel as CEO;
** Willie cuts school again to spend time with Sam at Goldie's Off Track Betting;
** Joseph gets a call from Willie's principal informing him that Willie hasn't attended school in a week;
** Joseph drives to Goldier's to bring Willie home ("[[There is Another Sky]]").
* '''Martius 8''':
** Daniel attends the Board's meeting with the U-87 prototype, claiming that holobands and v-world are no longer worth the investment, and that the artificially sentient Cylons are the future of Graystone Industries;
** the Board votes to keep Daniel as CEO
* '''Martius 9''': Joseph takes Willie fishing, but a nearby group of teenagers make racist comments until Willie attacks one of them, beating him viciously
* '''Martius 11''':
** Joseph and Willie perform the Tauron Death Rites so that Shannon and Tamara can rest in death;
** afterwards, Joseph gets a visit from Tad Thorean, who believes that Tamara has fallen asleep with her holoband on;
** Joseph informs Tad that Tamara is dead, and Tad flees ("[[There is Another Sky]]").
* '''Martius 13''':
** Daniel and Amanda attend a fundraiser, where [[Tomas Vergis]] corners Daniel, revealing that two of his friends and employees were killed during the MCP theft;
** Joseph buys a holoband from Emptor Electronics, but cannot get beyond the user menus of v-world;
** Daniel and Cyrus discuss their acquisition of the MCP, and agree that Daniel should meet with Vergis again;
** Daniel meets with Joseph first to discern who else might have known about the MCP theft ("[[Know Thy Enemy]]").
* '''Martius 14''':
** another empty holocafe is bombed;
** Clarice is given a swipe-drive, that can wirelessly steal data from any computer, by her husband;
** Clarice calls Amanda, claiming to have books of Zoe's that she would like to return, in order to visit the Graystone residence;
** Joseph is assured by Sam that nothing can connect them to the MCP theft;
** Daniel meets Vergis for lunch, and Vergis offers him 300-million qubits to purchase C-Bucs;
** Clarice visits Amanda to talk about Zoe, and Amanda shows Clarice the U-87, during which Clarice uses the swipe-drive to steal the data from Daniel's computer;
** Philo checks his v-match profile and finds no interested women;
** Keon meets with Barnabas to arrange Lacy's meeting ("[[Know Thy Enemy]]").
* '''Martius 15''':
** Clarice updates Alvo on her progress;
** Daniel and Cyrus discuss Vergis's offer;
** Zoe interfaces with the computer to send a message to Philo's v-match;
** Philo meets Zoe, under the alias of "Rachel," in v-world for a date;
** Vergis appears on ''Backtalk'' ("[[Know Thy Enemy]]").
==''Battlestar Galactica''==
* The Cylons revolt against humanity and launch the [[Cylon War|First Cylon War]].
* The [[Galactica (RDM)|Battlestar ''Galactica'']] is built ([[Miniseries, Night 1|BSG Miniseries]]).
* The Cylons abandon the Colonies to find their own home world, ending the First Cylon War.
* The Cylons return, and [[Fall of the Twelve Colonies|Twelve Colonies fall]]

Latest revision as of 15:42, 25 January 2012