User:Homeworld616: Difference between revisions

Joined 25 June 2006
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{{Character Data|
#REDIRECT [[User:Homeworld]]
|age=  16
|colony= The Homeworld
|birthname= Kevin...
|callsign= Invader616
|death=Fall of the Twelve Colonies
|parents= Mom and Dad
|siblings= I am an only child
|marital status=It would be illegal to marry at my age
|children=If I had some, that would be wrong
|role= Colonial Researcher/Historian
|actor= Good question
|name= Kevin Who?
[[Image:Home pt1-Kobol.jpg]]
=== An Announcement From the Department of Random Public Announcements (Commercial Division) ===
== The Homeworld ==
[[Image:Railgun.jpg|thumb|right|We have BIG GUNS on this Colony]]
[[Image:BSGToaster.jpg|thumb|right|We like toast on The Homeworld (with butter and fruity preserves, of course)]]
[[Image:Cylonattack.jpg|thumb|right|Take that Speilberg!]]
I suppose you are all wondering what this planet is, so I will tell you.  The Homeworld is the fourteenth colony of Kobol that everyone forgot about.  At least that is what we like to think.  There was no fourteenth tribe of man, and our actual history was quite a bit less romantic.  We were originally an out-system colony of Virgon, but moved to the jurisdiction of Sagittaron after a particularly embarrasing stint involving the leaders of both Colonies betting on a Pyramid game while strung out on green alcohol, and a semi-tamed mongoose whose involvement in the proceedings is questionable.  We quickly became a source of cheap labor for a Colony that was adoringly referred to by the other Eleven worlds as "Our b**ch."  The Sagittarians tried to make life good for us, and for Godsmas they built us a wonderful new professional Pyramid court and gave us our own minor league team.  Unfortunately, on the opening day and premier game, the court, team and a promising group from the Society of Junior Executives Who Wear Three-Piece Suits and Golf on Sundays were vaporized by an almost, but not completely, unexpected volcanic eruption.
The Homeworld became industrialized and, lucky us, we got to do the jobs Sagittarians didn't want to do.  Our colony became the proud home of several almost-but-not-quite-so-venerable worker's organizations, including the Royal Crap Movers Society, the Imperious Paper and Other Desktop Implement Pushers Union, the Order of Bueraucratic Red Tape and Fondue Stirrers, the Association of Gatherers and Collectors of Very Small Rocks, and ENRON.  A backwards economy and dictatorial rule ruined us, and the richer Colonies gave us aid money out of some sense of obligation or pity.  We did what any third-world planet would do with over 700 million cubits: Blow it all on cockfights. 
When the Cylons attacked and smoked the Twelve Colonies, they actually missed us.  Didn't even come close, actually.  Not by a long shot.  We had some feeling that they knew about us though, since we received an encrypted message telling us that our planet was so pitiful not even Satan would go there, so they had no reason for wasting perfectly good nukes on us.  Besides, they assumed we would go insane and gnaw our legs off partly from the highly toxic industiral fumes we had breathed in over the past few milennia, and partly from the Cylon's bad humor.
Nope, the Cylons didn't destroy us, but we were annihilated anyway.  In a wholly unexplained cosmic event, a wormhole opened up and deposited a single Number 2 pencil into our orbit.  It hit an orbital defense satellite, which happened to be carrying a large assortment of improperly programmed Daleks (we thought the Cylons weren't cool enough, so we made our own robots).  The pencil, for some reason, released the Daleks who had been cyberhibernating.  Robots don't like to be awoken from cyberhibernation, and did what any Asimovian robot would do: Blow up the nearest population of humans and then take a relaxing nap.  The Daleks went on a rampage and we were all destroyed, making humanity very unhappy.  Another equally unhappy person in some other area of the Multiverse was the high school student who lost his pencil to the vortex, and consequently could not finish his SAT and was then barred from the college he wanted to go to, depriving his planet of another professional pastry chef.  Fortunately for humanity, another random worm hole opened up and sucked all the Daleks to the beginning of time.  Unhappy about being deprived of their post-apocalyptic nap, they began shooting at the nearest cosmic beings, subsequently staring an intertemporal war whose result was a number of highly popular British television shows starring a Doctor who asked "Would you like a Jelly Baby?".
That's pretty much it.  The Fleet accidentally stumbled upon The Homeworld during its exodus from the Prolmar Sector, but that was cut out due to time constraints.  This history of The Homeworld is also being cut off, due to the fact that this page is silly and I am being watched by users who almost, but not quite, entirely disprove of silliness on a canon website.  Have a nice day!
== What I Do on Wikipedia... ==
...Stays on Wikipedia.  Just kidding.  On Wikipedia my activities are centered around the Code Lyoko pages, which I regularly edit and create articles for.  Currently, I am creating a comprehensive list of episode recaps for seasons 1 and 2 of that show.  Check them out by going on Wikipedia and typing in "List of Code Lyoko episodes" on the search bar. Other times I search for information, sometimes for school, other times for pleasure.
I promised myself I would join the Battlestar Galactica wiki, and here I am!
== Statement of My Mission on Battlestar Wiki ==
I am mainly interested in the Twelve Colonies of Kobol, their history, civilization, trivia, etc.  On this wiki, I plan
to contribute and edit articles relating to the colonies on a regular basis and perhaps create a few.  I also know some trivia that I do not see listed here.  I plan to fix that.  I also want to be extremely helpful to my fellow editors and administrators and not be a time waster or a pain.
== Articles I Have Created for Battlestar Wiki ==
Sadly, most of what I write are stubs.  This is due to the fact that I am interested in Colonial instutions/creations and the writers really don't go into those too much.  The only true articles I've written are ''Unnamed Cities of Caprica'' and ''Cities of Caprica'', one of which has been deleted.  It should also be noted that any images you find in these articles weren't uploaded by me, but by other users, most particularly [[User: Mercifull|Mercifull]].
=== Directory of My Work ===
* [[Unnamed Cities of Caprica]]
* [[Cities of Caprica]] (Has since been deleted)
* [[Caprica 7]] (Deleted on my recommendation)
* [[Caprica Beach]]
* [[Caprica 5]]
* [[Channel 7 News]]
* [[The News-Review]]
* [[Gemini Freight]] (Turned into a redirect for ''Gemini'')
=== Statistics ===
In order to keep a track record of how I'm doing, I'm going to tally statistics of my articles that are kept and deleted.
'''Total Number of Articles Created'''
* 8
'''Number of Articles Deleted'''
* 2
'''Number of Articles Redirected'''
* 1
'''Number of Articles Safe and Sound'''
* 5
== Articles I Have Edited ==
* [[Caprica City]]
* [[Delphi]]
* [[Twelve Colonies (RDM)]]
* [[New Caprica City]]
* [[Arts and Literature of the Twelve Colonies]]

Latest revision as of 13:54, 24 August 2006

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