All of this has happened before...
How do I say this in japanese? How has it been translated for the series? Google gives me このすべては、前に起こっている再び起こるだろう。 but I don't trust it all that much. tanketai 05:34, 22 September 2010 (UTC)
Questions about Japanese Translation
You said that you wanted to discuss with me some issues you had with names and ranks. Please let me know how we can work together on the Japanese translations. You can let me know what issues you had on my talk page, aim: Maikerushiriku or Atlas_Zarek, or YIM:pbmjs.--Zareck Rocks 18:34, 9 March 2006 (CST)
Character Pages
These are all the ones I am working on. If your Japanese ability is intermediate or above (a couple years of study outside of Japan, or one in Japan), you most likely have better grammar than I do, and I invite you to edit these pages for language and grammar, especially the completed pages. And if you see a katakana related error, please let me know here so I can try and avoid that mistake in future contributions.
In Progress
Zak Adama/jp:ザック・アダマ, Anne Adama/jp:アン・アダマ, Joseph Adama/jp:ジョゼフアダマ, Evelyn Adama/jp:エヴリン・アダマ